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Building Bridges with Bilingual Books and Multicultural Resources

Anneke Vanmarcke Forzani - Edmond Gubbins - Ellen O'Regan - Heather Leaman
pubblicato da Language Lizard, LLC

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Are you trying to build an inclusive and culturally responsive classroom? The numerous cross-curricular diversity activities, multicultural lesson plans, and literacy games in this book will save K-5 teachers and homeschooling parents hundreds of hours. Organized in an easy-to-use fashion, this manual will help educators to engage dual language learners and families, support the academic and social development of ESL students, and promote cultural awareness and understanding.

Written by a multicultural education expert and founder of, this book provides the tools you need for culturally responsive teaching:

Comprehensive Multicultural Lesson Plans that meet Common Core Standards and include accommodations for ESL students. Themes include:

- Cultural Awareness and Diversity

- Folktales, Fables, Myths, and Legends

- Holidays/Festivals

10 Diversity Activities Using Bilingual Books to Promote Literacy and Language Awareness.

10 Games from Around the World

Foods and Crafts from Around the World

Diverse Language Profiles

Unique Holidays to Promote Multiculturalism and Literacy

Community-Building Handouts (Includes "Hello in Different Languages" handout)

Online Resources and Links

Special Bonus Material

This book gives you the resources you need to embrace diversity in your educational environment.

"This is an amazing resource! . . . This book will be so useful to so many!" - Caia Schlessinger, President of NJTESOL/NJBE

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Generi Scienze umane » Educazione

Editore Language Lizard, Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/12/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781951787004

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Building Bridges with Bilingual Books and Multicultural Resources

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