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The Innocence of Westbury

Frederic Martin
pubblicato da NthSense Books

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Will and Blue are each recovering in their own way from their near-death experience over the summer, but a ghost from Blue's past threatens to turn their lives as well as the entire town of Westbury upside down in this exciting sequel to the first book of the ground-breaking "Vox Oculis" trilogy by award-winning author Frederic Martin.

It's autumn. It's high school. Will is dealing with unwanted fame while Blue flies under the radar, but for how long? Will is healing and wishing life would return to where it was at the beginning of the summer--peaceful and fun. Blue, meanwhile, finds that high school life is much more tolerable than she expected thanks to a new friend and a surprise mentor. But deep in the foundation of Westbury, a crack is forming that threatens to undermine everything they've come to take for granted, and Blue is forced into a position where she must decide if it's worth risking her life to stay in Westbury.

Whether you like coming-of-age or teen thrillers or mystery (with just a touch of paranormal/sci-fi), you will find an enticing blend of all these elements in this unique YA series set in down-to-earth rural Vermont.

"Fabulous, unforgettable, and riveting... A psychological dynamite. Martin's spectacular second installment in the Vox Oculis series blends a haunting mystery with a dash of science fiction. With its sustained suspense, last-minute plot twist, and cliffhanger ending, this YA thriller is a winner." -The Prairies Book Review

"This is an amazingly well-crafted novel. Raw emotion is laced through its pages. Though Bronco's disappearance remains somewhat of a mystery ... the author enables the reader to follow his voyage west and uncover some unimaginable ties. All the dots that remain unconnected will leave readers more than eager to plunge into the final book of the Vox Oculis trilogy." -The San Francisco Book Review

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Editore Nthsense Books

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 02/02/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781734024036

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The Innocence of Westbury

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