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In the gripping novel "Angels Blood," Stella Gardner embarks on a tumultuous journey after discovering her celestial heritage as a half-angel. Uncertain of her purpose on Earth, Stella is plagued by visions of devastating wildfires and an enigmatic boy. Without explicit directives, she transfers to a new school, endeavouring to navigate a world now unfamiliar to her.

As Stella adapts to her altered reality, she confronts unanticipated perils and is confronted with choices that ignite a crisis of conscience. Torn between the alluring presence of the boy from her visions and the tangible relationship she cultivates, she grapples with the collision of truth and deceit, love and responsibility, and the enduring battle of good versus evil.

With destiny on the horizon, Stella must summon the courage to confront her unknown fate whenever the flames of her vision finally erupt. Will she rise to the occasion and fulfil her celestial mission, or will her doubt and uncertainties consume her?

"Angels Blood" is a captivating tale of self-discovery and the immeasurable power of choice in the face of an unpredictable destiny.

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Generi Non definito

Editore Blackhawk Publishing

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 17/03/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798215688649

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Angels Blood

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