You might know the old adage - "Curiosity almost blew the cat's eye out." Is that how it went?
Moiety of a Gingerbread Man follows Larry Wm. Carlson's story as he went from poor Minnesotan boy to prominent engineer and rocket scientist for NASA, Rocketdyne, National Bureau of Standards and Argonne National Labs.
With insights into the shady dealings and stupidity behind the scenes at some of America's biggest aerospace operations and historical events (Apollo missions, Reagan at Reykjavík, Star Wars, Three Mile Island, Carter's DOE, the dawn of the computer era), Moiety relates a lifetime's worth of lessons and knowledge that refutes lies told to the public.
Select chapters feature descriptions of experiments and projects throughout Carlson's 40-year career, including development of the United States' first chemical laser weapons systems (MIRCLE, design influence on ALPHA, Star Wars mainstay weapon system), sodium cooled nuclear reactors, Magnetohydrodynamics and Experimental Breeder Reactor facilities, NutraSweet production increase, and others.
Defining memories and curious vignettes from Carlson's personal life offer advice and heed warnings. A father's advice led to a vocation. A childhood folly led to a lifetime disability. A disability led to a door.
History, science, and even mysticism come together in this memoir of a man who could conceptualize, design, and build massive nuclear test facilities, but never quite keep his mouth shut.
A thermodynamicist in the 1960s-80s with seven patents, Carlson leaves his unfinished invention literature open to his readers.
Additional topics covered:
Space shuttle engine injector testing
Bell Aerospace Lunar Ascent engine
GE Vulcan 20mm Gatling gun
Point Mugu jet fighter cold test facility
San Nicolas Island hypersonic wind tunnel
Sonobuoys in the Cold War
Corruption in government institutions
Copper mining industry
Chemical high-power lasers
EBR-1 and EBR-II, EBR-II Superheater Bypass
Insight into what really happened at Three Mile Island, then comparisons with Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster and Chernobyl
Sewage Aerator designs
Searle Pharmaceuticals
North American Swatcha patent
Power Squadron
United States and Russia/Soviet Union MHD collaborations
MHD 1 and MHD II Coal facility
Sundstrand's space station solar collector
Solid oxide fuel cell
Nuclear rockets
Carter's failed DOE program in Caguas, Puerto Rico
Open, unpatented inventions ideas for entrepreneurs and business
The Falcon and the Snowman Christopher Boyce book by Robert Lindsey and film by John Schlesinger