Mom & Me: A Story of Dementia and the Power of God's Love is a journal of my experiences while caregiving memory-impaired seniors—in particular, caring for Helen, my dear "second Mom," for many years.
Mom and Dad raised five children, three boys and two girls. Tim, my husband, was the middle child. Each has their own story. These stories are mine, Mom's final years caregiver and daughter-in-law. They comprise my journal initially written as posts for my caregiver's website over a period of two years and assembled for you now as a single book.
These stories were not easy for me to write, I cried as I anticipated a story and as I finished a draft. I'd stew for several days until I started writing, but then when I did start, much came to mind that I wanted to say to you. I share, hoping to encourage you for your journey. Take courage, we are not alone in our caring endeavors.
It started when Mom went for groceries and forgot how to get home. Eventually, she recognized the gas station, bank and market. She could get home now. Sometime later, fears and illusions began. When hearing a noise on the roof one day, Mom was convinced men were coming down the chimney to "get the old one." We calmed her by saying, "Tim will take care of it."
This memoir embraces Helen's personal journey from the onset of Alzheimer's Dementia through stories and letters to caregivers. Mom's journey is portrayed through the lens of my personal knowledge as her daughter-in-law and caregiver. The book speaks of challenges common to caregivers, day-to-day needs, and the progression of dementia disease. It is an account of joy and sadness, trauma and triumph, peace and anxiety. It is a story of love, the exhaustion of caregiving, denial, and mending misunderstandings. It is about high-stakes decisions, stressful days, and knowing you did the best you could at that crucial moment.
I am a caregiver acquainted with crisis healthcare. I've worked with memory-impaired seniors, am Alzheimer's Association trained, and I recognized Mom's situation early. Thus, I became an ambassador to our family to help each member gain understanding about what was happening to Mom.
My hope is caregivers and families will find these stories beneficial. But really, what qualifies us to be caregivers? We see a need and something within rises up to meet that need. We learn day by day, challenge by challenge. Each situation is different and yet similar. May you be blessed in all your Giving of Care.
I want to inspire healthier lives for caregivers and those they nurture through understanding, respect, compassion, and encouragement.
Thank you for all you do, day-by-day, hour-by-hour, caring for those in need of assistance or complete care. Take courage, we are all in this endeavor together.
Thank you for reading my stories.
Deborah Lyn