A positive, inspiring life where you feel confident, happy, organized and in control of your well-being...
It's not just a wistful dream... it is attainable... and entirely up to you.
Only you have the power to navigate what you wish your day-to-day to look like through your mindset and practicing little, everyday actions that can raise your vibration and remind you that you are worthy of a happy and fulfilling life.
Let the suggestions within this book give you a fresh perspective on life and help you create the lifestyle you long for... and deserve.
"The Many Mini Way To Create A Positive & Inspiring Life" is a light read, endowed with bite-sized advice you can absorb and implement in your daily life. You can finish this relaxing read in one sitting if your time is limited. A great little book for you to read in the tub, before bedtime, on vacation or on a train or plane.
If you are a woman who strives to be chic and poised amidst a backdrop of serenity and positive energy, then this book is your new best reading friend.