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About the author

Michelle Kelly

Michelle lives in a little cottage on Auckland’s North Shore that she calls The Writery, which she now shares with the love of her life, Terry.

Her first published novel, Payback, was inspired by her two sons, Paul, and Mike. Payback became a New Zealand Post Finalist in 2009 and was listed as a Notable Book by Storylines, the Children’s Literature Foundation of New Zealand the same year.

Michelle began writing Historical Fiction shortly after. She says, Riverstones, came to her in a dream that was so real she could almost touch the hotel walls in the Long Gully Pub, in Skippers Canyon back in 1864. Riverstones took her 6 long years to write but the subsequent novels in the series have only taken a couple of years each, and there’s another on the way.

She says, A Box Of Exs In My Garage was loosely based on her dating disasters over the years, and quipped that she wasn’t sure if the genre should be called a Romantic Comedy or a Personal Tragedy.

Now, Michelle is hoping to finish the screenplay of A Box of Exs In My Garage, and then begin work on Secrets in Stone, her fourth book in the Riverstones series.