About the author

Michelle Kelly

<p>Michelle lives in a little cottage on Auckland&#8217;s North Shore that she calls The Writery, which she now shares with the love of her life, Terry.</p><p>Her first published novel, Payback, was inspired by her two sons, Paul, and Mike. Payback became a New Zealand Post Finalist in 2009 and was listed as a Notable Book by Storylines, the Children&#8217;s Literature Foundation of New Zealand the same year.</p><p>Michelle began writing Historical Fiction shortly after. She says, Riverstones, came to her in a dream that was so real she could almost touch the hotel walls in the Long Gully Pub, in Skippers Canyon back in 1864. Riverstones took her 6 long years to write but the subsequent novels in the series have only taken a couple of years each, and there&#8217;s another on the way.</p><p>She says, A Box Of Exs In My Garage was loosely based on her dating disasters over the years, and quipped that she wasn&#8217;t sure if the genre should be called a Romantic Comedy or a Personal Tragedy.</p><p>Now, Michelle is hoping to finish the screenplay of A Box of Exs In My Garage, and then begin work on Secrets in Stone, her fourth book in the Riverstones series.</p>