Tribal Gods of Africa Ethnicity, Racism, Trobalism And The Gospel of Christ Revised Edition 2019

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About the author

Yusufu Turaki

Yusufu Turaki is a Professor of Theology and Social Ethics. He teaches Theology  and  Social  Ethics  at  the  Jos  ECWA  Theological  Seminary (JETS) since 1980. He studied Theology at Igbaja Theological Seminary, Nigeria (Th.B.); Theology and Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary,  USA  (MATS);  and  Social  Ethics  at  Boston  University,  USA (Ph.D.). He was a Research Scholar with the Research Enablement Program  sponsored  by  the  PEW  Charitable  Trusts  and  administered  by the Overseas Ministry Study Center, New Haven, Connecticut, USA and a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Yale Divinity School, Yale University, USA. He is currently the Regional Director of the International  Bible  Society  Nigeria.  He  is  married  to  Deborah and they have four children: Nyela, Yimi, Iyakachi and Ladi.