Friends & Other Strangers Award-winning Short Stories From Downunder

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An eclectic collection of, funny, shocking, heart-breaking and distinctly Australian short stories, each with its own message.

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About the author

Liza Perrat

Liza grew up in Australia, working as a general nurse and midwife. She has now been living in France for over twenty years, where she works as a part-time medical translator and a novelist. She is the author of the historical The Bone Angel series. The first, Spirit of Lost Angels is set in 18th century revolutionary France. The second, Wolfsangel is set during the WW2 Nazi Occupation and the French Resistance, and the third novel Blood Rose Angel –– is set during the 14th century Black Plague years. The first novel in her new trilogy, The Silent Kookaburra, is a psychological suspense set in 1970s Australia. Liza is a co-founder and member of the writers’ collective Triskele Books and also reviews books for Bookmuse. dd an Author Biography