Llama Tell You a Story

See more by Jaleta Clegg

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Pull up a chair, make yourself at home. That's right. Kick off your shoes, put your feet up on the footstool. Pour a glass of lemonade and settle in. "Llama" tell you a story or three.

How about Lassie fighting a tribe of mutant tumbleweeds? Or a unicorn meeting her destiny at the hands of a djinn? Maybe a story of giant dragonflies wreaking vengeance on playground bullies is more your style. Or a butterfly transformed into a woman. Or dust bunnies waging a war. Perhaps a tale of courage and justice meted out by a rattlesnake, a jackal, and a horny toad? Or the tale of the time when Cthulhu was summoned on accident. In an outhouse.

It's all here, in this collection of fifteen stories. Fifteen tales of beings, human and not, trying to find their heart's desire—whether vengeance or justice or happiness or just a bovine companion. Some find it, some find only disappointment.

You'll just find some darned tootin' good tales.

Other books by Jaleta Clegg

About the author

Jaleta Clegg

Jaleta Clegg loves to make up stuff then tell stories about it. Her life is full of imaginary friends who go on adventures all the time. The only way she can go along is as the narrator and scribe. So she writes down what the imaginary voices in her head tell her, then publishes them as science fiction adventure, steampunk fairy stories, silly horror, and all sorts of other things.

She has an eleven book space opera series, a steampunk fairy novel, and dozens of short stories out in the wild.

When not writing down her adventures, Jaleta is usually playing with yarn, cooking strange dishes, watching too much tv, and dreaming up more stuff to write down. She lives in Washington state with a diminishing horde of children, elderly pets, a very patient husband, and lots and lots of books.

Find more of her work at www.jaletac.com