Hard to Resist

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About the author

Suzie Grant

My  life has been one big adventure.  My childhood was full of reading the classics like Treasure Isle, Robinson Crusoe, and The Swiss Family Robinson tales. In fact my mother has another word for my “stories” but to this day, I continue to dream up adventures of my own. ​As a pregnant teen my adventure became a life-defining moment as I struggled to survive and raise a child. During those rocky years writing became an emotional outlet. After a very long divorce I again found myself climbing that rocky path of life and have learned to live by a single quote: “Obstacles are placed in our path to determine whether we really wanted something, or just thought we did.” By Dr. Harold Smith. ​Taking life by the proverbial horns, I now live happily ever after with my new beau, and three boys in NC. One day I plan to retire and sail along the east coast, an adventurer to the end.