Non-Native Speakers Only: The Best Way to Start Writing as a Non-Native Speaker & Make a Living from Web Content Writing as Modern Storytellers

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Learn how to build a successful and meaningful author brand as a modern storyteller with 100% control of the result you want for your writing business.

Not only does the book show the rulebook of effective content writing, but it also serves as transformative and inspirational material that will push you to take action and commit to changing the direction of your writing life.


  • As a non-native English speaker in the freelance writing industry, many people were skeptical about our language fluency.
  • However, you will NOT achieve anything in life if you DO NOT take action for your goals.
  • The same problem will get you stuck in an unending cycle of financial frustration and hopelessness, which will eventually become the reason for depression.
  • You will continue to struggle to find good writing opportunities, though the internet can provide billions of possibilities in seconds.


Get your hands on "Non-Native Speakers Only" by M. Gaspary, and enjoy reading with life-changing benefits, such as:

  1. Seeing a different perspective of yourself as an NNS writer
  2. Developing a plan that guarantees a thriving writing career
  3. Increasing writing confidence as a non-native speaker



My life changed when I applied the three (3) core values to my writing routine and earned my first 4-figures from freelance content writing. Since then, my emails have been flooded with job offers from different people and companies without searching for them. Overall, my writing life thrived effortlessly.

Is this what you want? Is this how you want your writing career to look?

If you say yes, don't miss this rare, one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn and discover the secret code of content writing. You will never regret this decision. It may only cost you a few dollars, but the value you're getting is ten-folds. If not, more.

So, better do something that will make you believe you can achieve impossible things as an NNS writer.


NOW is the perfect time for you to prove that you can. It's now or never.

Other books by M. Gaspary

About the author

M. Gaspary

An author from the Philippines, Mecyll Gaspary or simply known as M. Gaspary is a versatile creative writer that excelled in a variety of in-demand content writing jobs, from blog posts, and eBooks, to writing fiction for her readers and fans on Wattpad. She has been featured on The Mighty, Lifehack, Medium, and Thrive Global.
Since 2018, she has been providing highly valuable resources for beginner writers around the world. Her unwavering determination to succeed has led her to work with online entrepreneurs, YouTube influencers, and company founders around the world.
Not only did Mecyll inspire many writers around the world but feel grateful for her generous efforts to provide highly valuable resources mostly for free have been received well. Currently, she still spends most of her time writing about anything with her husband in Germany.
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Listen to her latest podcast episodes at “Writer Warriors: Write to Speak, Write to Inspire,” currently available on eight different platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.