Rebirth: Undead Book 3

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About the author

Jon DeLeon

What's up, all you awesome people? 

I'm Jon DeLeon, an author, a #CreativeGenius and Beyond Normal. 

Great stories have the ability to make you feel, wonder and dream in a way that nothing else can. Science fiction to me is unique in its ability to push boundaries and stretch the imagination to new frontiers. I love stories and love writing. My hope is that one of my stories connects with you in the way that authoring them does for me.

Learn more about the books I've written and am currently writing at:

Stay connected with me and learn some of the stories behind the stories on my social media at:

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Jon DeLeon is a science-fiction author, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer and online marketing professional from Wellington, Colorado. Following his well-received self-help book, Lose Weight With Your Mind, he now releases original science fiction stories, filled with entertaining twists, action and characters readers connect with.