We, of the far north, are drowning in immigrants who refuse to learn the language or assimilate into our way of life. These peasants, these wretched curs, are blights on our society. ~ William Delahunty MP
Spring 1939. To appease his electorate, Delahunty orders a police roundup of Italian sugarcane workers. With his marriage failing, he initiates a volatile affair with Amy. What will be her revenge?
Summer 1941. Canefarmer Luigi is a naturalized British citizen, yet he is classified as an enemy alien during the war. Captured and interned for three years, what will he find on his return?
Autumn 1943. Edith is the wife of Tony Zucchero, an accountant and canefarmer. When he is unjustly interned, her father refuses to help. How will a city girl manage the farm alone?
Winter 1945. At Loveday Internment Camp, shell-shocked WWI veteran Ted prevents a breakout and an uprising, and oversees secret experiments for the army. After the war, what will he do with his life?