A Mind for Life

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A Mind for Life: From Depression to Living Well is one person's record of recovery from depression to achieve the greater goal of living a full life once again. Adapted from the award winning blog Storied Mind, each section brings to life the immediate experience of fighting through illness to achieve lasting wellness. It’s not a roadmap taking you from one step to another in a well-defined process but rather a set of ideas and methods for clearing a path of your own. Depression wants to take over your life completely, and getting well takes everything you’ve got. Here is a comprehensive approach to the inner work of recovery and living well.

Other books by John Folk-Williams

About the author

John Folk-Williams

 John Folk-Williams, who has lived with depression since childhood, began writing journals as a form of therapy, then started his award-winning blog, Storied Mind, in 2007. Over the past years, thousands of readers have responded to his posts with their own stories since they knew they had a place to talk to each other where they would be understood. Storied Mind has won awards from PsychCentral, Healthline and other websites listing top blogs about depression. John has also written for HealthCentral and MentalHelp.net and has adapted the voluminous material of Storied Mind into the ebooks, Surviving Depression Together and A Mind for Life. A third book, Depression Present Tense, will soon be available.He has lived with his family and many generations of dogs and cats in New York, New Mexico, California and Minnesota, where he now indulges his love of science fiction through the blog SciFi Mind.