Splitting Lies: mm mafia hurt/comfort romance

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I'm drowning in myself, ripping apart.

Torn from my life, I'm in a world I don't understand. There are no masters, no kneeling, and no loving punishments to keep me grounded. Despite the smiles and care Jiao provides, I'm not his priority. I believe his concern is genuine, but his interest is professional. Casting my world into history is his aim, and for that I can't trust him. The voices are getting louder; I'm losing time. I need to hold on; need to stay loyal. Master will come for me soon, and blood will wash my sins clean. I refuse to imagine what they will do to the man who stole me.

Kaspar's mental health is shot to pieces; he's flipping between personalities. I wish I could give him what the psychiatrist says he needs… time. But lives depend on the information locked inside that gorgeous head. How can I crack his loyalty to the centuries-old slaver organization that has already tried to kill both of us, without breaking him completely? My boss says it's a price she's willing to pay. I'm not so sure.

​​​​​​​Themes: Slavery. Mental Health Issues. Abduction. Witness Protection. Assassination. Work vs personal life conflict.

Genre: Dark, psychological/thriller M/M romance. Warnings: Violence. High angst and explicit steamin' hot sexual scenes. HEA. 2nd in a series.
This book follows on from Sweating Lies.

Warning: These books are for adult readers who enjoy stories where lines between right and wrong get blurry. High heat, twisted and tantalizing, these are not for the fainthearted.

About the author

Emma Jaye

I’m a prolific, almost obsessive, reader/reviewer and author. My stories contain angst ridden, lusty and wonderfully imperfect characters with less than traditional attitudes to relationships. I always have a HFN or HEA ending but I do sometimes tease with a cliffhanger ending within a series. If you like sweet, perfect m/f couples, look elsewhere. My muse has taken me from scifi, and dark paranormal to contemporary romance, with relationship dynamics from m/f to ménage and m/m.

 Before finding out how much fun writing fiction is, I had various jobs including tropical fish farmer, nursery teacher and cat breeder (all involve rounding up small beings). I’ve collected degrees in applied biology, psychology, sociology and special needs education. Along the way, I’ve picked up a husband and had four sons who are mortified that mum writes about S.E.X. Husband doesn’t seem to mind…

 I love hearing from readers and always reply. Feel free to contact me via goodreads, where I can be found on most days, or via amazon,  my website, facebook, or email.