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About the author

Brenda Mohammed

Multiple award-winning author of the popular science fiction book, Zeeka Chronicles. and best-selling nonfiction, I am Cancer Free, Brenda Mohammed, has published 64 books in multiple genres, and a five-episode screenplay for her sci-fi thriller Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka.
Reviewers have compared her futuristic novel, Zeeka Chronicles, to Frankenstein, Twilight Zone, and Shakespeare’s plays; some have said it is movie material. Brenda captured awards from Readers Favorite International, Author Academy Global Awards, and Readers’ Choice for this book.
I Am Cancer Free also won an award in the category of Health and Fitness in Readers Favorite International Awards.
Three of her books won gold awards in the Connection EMagazine Readers’ Choice Awards - Zeeka Chronicles (2018], Stories People Love (2019), and How to Write for Success (2019). In September 2021, she won the Culture, Literature, and Research award in India for Best Fantasy Writer, for her mystery book Barry Holmes Mysteries.
Several of her books received five-star reviews from Readers Favourite International, topped the charts of Amazon, and achieved Amazon's No 1 bestseller rank upon new release.
 A former Bank Manager, Brenda's genres are memoirs, science fiction, Christian books, romance, self-help, mystery, children’s books, psychological thrillers, poetry, and poetry anthologies. 
Her self-help book, ‘How to Write for Success,’ became an important guide for new and aspiring authors.
Volume Two of How to Write for Success was published in August 2021.
She won several International literary awards in 45 countries. and made headlines in several newspapers around the world.
News of her success reached Ethiopia, and a journalist named  Alem Hailu interviewed her online on 17th November 2019 for the Ethiopian Sunday Herald. He also published a detailed review of her self-help book, How to Write for Success in the Ethiopian Herald on 16th February 2020.
Brenda is also a poet and among her publications are sixteen poetry books, with one in bi-lingual – English and Spanish.
​​​​​​​She is the Founder of the HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS LITERARY NETWORK with Forums How to Write for Success, Poems for Suicide Prevention, Library of How to Write for Success, and Poems Against Domestic Violence.
She was appointed  National President for Grupo- Unión Hispanomundial De Escritores - UHE Trinidad and Tobago, and President of the International Chamber of Writers and Artists [CIESART] for Trinidad and Tobago.​​​​​​​