Secrets of River Cottage

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Forced to move from the safe haven of her in-law’s farmhouse, single mum, Cathy Kendall is horrified she must return to the renovated River Cottage – a house that holds secrets and sad memories. When builders discover bones beneath the old house and the site is declared a crime scene, speculation and gossip engulf Bindarra Creek.
Landscaper, Grant Cummings has returned to his hometown to seek justice and it suits him to keep a close eye on Cathy. As the investigation progresses, attraction flares between them.
But when a series of suspicious events threaten Cathy’s life, should she share her suspicions with Grant? Or is his mysterious past a warning that trusting him could prove deadly?

Welcome to the latest Bindarra Creek romances. You will love re-visiting this quaint country town and its quirky community as compelling characters search for love and happiness. Don't miss out on these seven mystery romances by best-selling Australian authors.

Other books by Annie Seaton

About the author

Annie Seaton

Annie Seaton lives on the edge of the South Pacific Ocean on the east coast of Australia with her own hero of many years. Their two children are now grown up and married, and three beautiful grandchildren have arrived. They share their home with Toby, the naughtiest dog in the universe, and two white cats. When Annie is not writing she can be found in her garden or walking on the beach...or most likely on her deck overlooking the ocean, camera in hand as the sun sets. Each winter, Annie and her husband leave the beach to roam the remote areas of Australia for story ideas and research. Readers can contact Annie through her website or find her on Face book, Twitter and Instagram.

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