Life Isn't Fair!--but I Can Help You Win Anyway

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About the author

Carroll Straus

Who Am I and Why Am I Qualified to Teach You Anything?

I was an early adopter of alternative healing—both for myself and in my calling as a lawyer. I have been a lawyer 27 years and I have studied energy healing and taken “human potential” healing and spiritual classes for most if that time.  Is this “normal” for a lawyer—NO.  Is what “normal” lawyers are are doing working? NO!

Healthwise (as a nation) we are getting sicker. And courts are  clogged with “pro se” litigants and even the “lawyered up” ones are UNHAPPY after their brush with the legal system.

If this was the NHS it would be an epidemic.

So I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest—WHATEVER YOU DO WITH ME WILL BE BETTER THAN WHAT YOU DO THE “NORMAL” WAY!