<p>Who Am I and Why Am I Qualified to Teach You Anything?</p><p>I was an early adopter of alternative healing—both for myself and in my calling as a lawyer. I have been a lawyer 27 years and I have studied energy healing and taken “human potential” healing and spiritual classes for most if that time.  Is this “normal” for a lawyer—NO.  Is what “normal” lawyers are are doing working? NO!</p><p>Healthwise (as a nation) we are getting sicker. And courts are  clogged with “pro se” litigants and even the “lawyered up” ones are UNHAPPY after their brush with the legal system.</p><p/><p>If this was the NHS it would be an epidemic.</p><p>So I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest—WHATEVER YOU DO WITH ME WILL BE BETTER THAN WHAT YOU DO THE “NORMAL” WAY!</p>