The Menace of the Ancient Foe

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About the author

JBS Palmer

JBS Palmer is beginning his eighty-first year, drifting down Time’s River, through which flows the nearby Spokane River in north Idaho.  He is a graduate of Oberlin College and has a PhD in biology from the University of Oregon.  He retired from a career in science before the turn of the century.  Since then, he has meditated on the relationships between science, philosophy and supernatural religion, filling legions of hand written notebooks.  In his seventies, he got smart and began writing in prose, leaving his geeky notebooks behind, and has composed the yet to be critically acclaimed semi-historical, apocalyptic, saga, A Tale of Two Times, which is being released one chapter a week from his Substack website.  His turn to thought verse happened in his 80th year and condenses down his legions of note books into this modest mind-blowing chapbook, Old Wine and New New Wine.