Essentials of Orthopedic Techniques

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About the author

yingxiong feng

About the author

Yingxiong Feng

Pen names: Three Heroes, Lianlong, Cloudy Seagail


1979-1985 Guangdong Enping Number One Middle School

1985-1989 English Department of Guangzhou Foreign Languages

1989-1992 Guangdong Import & Export Commodity Inspection Bureau

1992-1997 China Travel Service (Guangdong & Macau)

1998-1999 The Earth Editing Commission of People’s Daily

2000-2003 News Department of Guangzhou TV Station

2003-          Live in Australia  

Published books in Chinese

China History 100 Years (1921-2021)

Buddhism of Tang Dynasty

Commentary Notes on Avatamsaka Sutra

Argumentation of Lankavatara Sutra

Notes and Commentary to Sixth Patriarch's Platform Sutra

Notes on the Diamond Sutra

Insights of the Surangama Sutra

The Power of Mind

History, Justice, Faith, Prejudice

Chinese Buddhist Century Review: Chinese Buddhism in the Last Hundred Years

A Buddhist View of the Analects

Inspirations of Śākyamuni's Life

Master's View of DAO de Jing

Argumentation of Lankavatara Sutra

Published books in English

Red Dragon: My Country My Story

Communism is dying

Knocks at the door of life

Health Starts from Mind
