Also by Brother Bernard Seif, SMC, EdD, DNM, ABBHP...

About the author

Brother Bernard Seif, SMC, EdD, DNM, ABBHP

Brother / Doctor Bernard Seif, SMC, EdD, DNM, ABBHP is a Christian monk in the Roman Catholic and Salesian traditions and Clinical Psychologist, Board Certified in Behavioral Medicine and Behavioral Health Practice.  He is also educated in natural health modalities, specializing in Chinese Medicine with sub-specialties in Medical Qigong and Chinese medicinal herbs. 

​​​​​​​Brother Bernard is certified as an Advanced Clinical Therapist and a Qigong Teacher by the National Qigong Association and is a Lifetime Professional member of that organization, past Ethics Chair, and has served on the NQA Board of Directors.  Doctor Seif is a Life Member of the American Psychological Association and a Life Member and Approved Consultant with the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.  He enjoys hiking, writing monastic mystery books, has studied in both the United States and Asia, and gives workshops and retreats in the USA and abroad.  Mostly, he just enjoys trying to be a good human being.

Being Who You Are: The Universal Vocation follows the author's previous six volume monastic mystery book series called OFFICE OF THE DEAD.  Available in print book and e-book formats, Brother Bernard's writings span both the human mystery as well as spiritual ones.