Also by W. Bradford Swift...

Zak Bates Eco-adventure Series


Cosmic Conspiracy


Amberlin Series


Other books by W. Bradford Swift

A Life On Purpose Special Report

The Eagle and Condor Trilogy

About the author

W. Bradford Swift

W. Bradford Swift writes visionary fiction of the fantasy and science fiction variety for children and young adults to inspire them to become joyful lifelong readers by introducing them to the pure pleasure of reading. Swift believes reading for pleasure stretches the imagination of young readers in ways that TV, movies, or video games do not. He also loves to encourage young people to write their own stories, knowing that some of them will grow into the world’s future authors as he did. As a former small animal veterinarian, animals often play an important role in his stories. Join Dr. Swift and his extraordinary audiobook narrator, Ben Fife for a fun romp through reading land with a free Zoom-based Readup  at