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Sebastian's Fate: Etherya's Earth, #7.5
Sebastian's Fate: Etherya's Earth, #7.5
Sebastian's Fate: Etherya's Earth, #7.5
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Sebastian's Fate: Etherya's Earth, #7.5

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From USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Hefner

Book #7.5 in the Etherya's Earth series


She was in love with a man who didn't know she existed…


Vampyre aristocrat Celine has eyes for one man: a handsome council member who barely knows she's alive. Determined to change her destiny, she secures a date with the enigmatic man, even if he won't know her identity at the masked fete.


Council leader Sebastian considers relationships a waste of time—until a gorgeous stranger accompanies him to a ball. Suddenly, he can't stop thinking about the woman behind the mask who sets his body aflame.


Consumed with uncovering the tempting stranger's identity, Sebastian observes similarities between his phantom lover and the quiet aristocrat he's barely noticed for centuries. Could his mystery woman actually be…Celine?


Fueled by passion and anger, he confronts the stunning aristocrat, never realizing their fiery encounter might cement Sebastian's fate for eternity…


Dear readers, this book is for all of you who requested Celine and Sebastian's story after meeting them in Garridan's Mate. If you love a sizzling romance about an oblivious but honorable hero and the heroine determined to gain his affection, this book is for you. Enjoy!

Release dateFeb 21, 2023
Sebastian's Fate: Etherya's Earth, #7.5

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    Book preview

    Sebastian's Fate - Rebecca Hefner

    Chapter 1

    Sebastian, son of Astaroth , sat at his desk in the governor’s mansion at Valeria angrily shuffling papers. Muttering as he found the document he needed, he shoved the rest away so he could concentrate. Narrowing his eyes, he read the decree from Queen Miranda and King Sathan:

    TO THE ESTEEMED GOVERNORS and council members of the immortal realm:

    In honor of the destruction of the ether and the imminent immersion with humans, it is imperative we learn the basics of their most popular traditions. As Prince Tordor and Princess Esme continue to slowly integrate the species, we feel it is important to become educated on their common practices.

    One of the most important human holidays is Christmas, so this year we have chosen Valeria to hold a Christmas celebration for the realm. Any immortal is welcome to join and learn about the holiday, and Prince Heden’s wife, Sofia, will be in attendance to help.

    Although many revere Etherya in our realm and we encourage her worship, we see the benefit of learning about our new neighbors on the Earth. Etherya has given King Sathan her blessing to hold the Christmas festivities, and we hope you find them educational and enjoyable.

    As always, we are your humble rulers and encourage anyone to contact us with questions.


    Queen Miranda and King Sathan

    SWIPING A HAND OVER his face, Sebastian swore and reached for a blank piece of paper. He began to scrawl notes, reminding himself there was still much to do before next week’s Christmas celebration.

    The festivity would last several days, culminating in a lavish banquet to be held on the final night. A huge team had already been dispatched to cover Valeria’s main square with Christmas-themed decorations, and he’d noticed the tinsel-wrapped streetlamps and poinsettia plants lining the street on his walk to the governor’s mansion earlier that morning.

    Sebastian only lived a few blocks from the mansion—a renovated castle that had resided in the center of the Valerian compound for centuries. Governor Camron lived there with his family, but it also held the council offices. It was close to Sebastian’s home, so he usually walked to work. As the head of the Valerian council, he took his job seriously and was always early. He’d worked hard to become the youngest council leader in Vampyre history and was determined to prove his worth.

    Even if he had to plan a four-day celebration for a human holiday he knew nothing about.

    Gritting his teeth, he scowled when his friend Mila breezed into the room.

    Well, don’t you look like you’ve been run over by a four-wheeler? she chided, plopping into one of the leather chairs that faced his desk. Reaching over to the bowl that held fresh apples, she snagged one and bit off a huge chunk.

    Nice to see you too, he droned, and please, help yourself.

    Thanks. Gesturing to his desk with the hand that held the apple, she squinted. Still drowning in administrative crap for the Christmas celebration? Why don’t you have Camron help you?

    Camron is busy with the governor’s duties, and as head of the council, it’s a good way to show the older members I’m deserving of the title they all secretly crave.

    Still trying to prove you’re the best, she said, taking another bite, her jaw working as she chewed. "Do you think one day you might actually believe it? You’re the only one who still needs convincing. Everybody else respects you, Sebastian. Maybe it’s time you took a tiny break and had some fun. She held her thumb and forefinger an inch apart. Look at Garridan. He’s head over heels for Siora, and I’ve never seen him happier. Maybe getting laid would take that scowl off your face too."

    Shooting her a glare, Sebastian waited several seconds for effect before speaking. I have no desire to get laid or spend time with any woman at the moment. I’m drowning in work here. He waved his hand over the multitude of paperwork. On that note, I need your help.

    Oh no, she said, sitting up and tossing her apple in the nearby trash can. I’m not going as your date to the gala. We’ve used each other as fake dates for long enough, and I’m ready to play the field a little.

    Lifting his brows, he grinned. No way. Mila, the staunch, independent woman, finally wants to find a mate?

    "Mate might be a stretch, she said, scrunching her features, but the kingdom has evolved far enough that I can at least try. Her lips curved. Queen Miranda, Governor Evie, and Princess Arderin have ushered in a new era for this realm, and I can finally hold my head high like the lesbian Vampyre I am and date who I want."

    Wow, he said, sitting back and rubbing his chin. I’m proud to hear you say that, Mila. I’ve always respected who you are and hated you had to hide your true nature.

    You and Garridan have always accepted me even if the other stuffy aristocrats don’t. I’m thankful for you both.

    But not enough to be my fake date to the Christmas gala.

    Chuckling, she shook her head. I can’t keep being your fallback, Sebastian. I need to get out there, and you do too. It’s time you found something else to focus on besides work.

    I like my work, he said, forming a small pout.

    And you’re an excellent council leader, but you deserve companionship, and yes, I think you deserve some really good sex too.

    Pursing his lips, he considered her words. "It has been a long time, but I don’t even know where to start. You know I detest the aristocratic women Father wants me to date. They’re all so vapid and boring."

    "Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re an aristocrat too, so maybe you’re boring."

    Glancing at the mound of work on his desk, he breathed a laugh. I want to argue with you, but you might be right. Regardless, I have no desire to date. If you won’t go as my fake date, the least you can do is help me find someone else. You do run a matchmaking agency after all.

    Mila had opened the matchmaking agency a year ago with tremendous success. Many Vampyres, Slayers, and reformed Deamons had found love through her services. Pride swelled in his chest that his friend had triumphed doing something she enjoyed.

    "Yes, but all my clients want to fall in love. I can’t set them up with someone who doesn’t want a relationship."

    The Christmas gala is a masked formal affair. I won’t even have to see the woman’s face, for the goddess’s sake, and she won’t have to see mine. It can be a hands-off business transaction that will only last a few hours. If you can find an amenable client, tell her I’ll purchase drinks for her all night and leave a gift certificate for five thousand lira in her name at the boutique in the main square. He pointed out the window to the sprawling street that led to the main square. That should do it.

    You want to pay one of my clients to be your date? Mila asked incredulously. Come on, Sebastian. You’re a good-looking guy with that mop of thick brown hair and those chocolate-brown eyes. Plus, I bet most women would think your fangs were cute if you ever smiled.

    I smile, he said, discounting the statement as he frowned.

    Rarely, was her sardonic response. But seriously, if you put in a little effort, I’m sure you can find a date.

    I don’t want the hassle, he said, shaking his head. Please do this for me, Mila.

    Rising, she placed her fist on her hip. You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?

    Chuckling, he stood and walked around the desk to gently grip her upper arms. Just think about it, okay? Look through your client list and see if there’s someone amenable. I’m sure there’s a woman who needs some new fancy dresses. There always are on this stuffy compound.

    Squinting one eye, she studied him. Fine. I’ll look through my list, but I don’t think I’m going to find any—

    Perfect, he said, turning and urging her toward the door. I’m sure if you look hard enough you’ll find the right woman. Gesturing across the threshold, he gave a slight bow. I have faith in you, Mila. Now, let me get back to work. I have way too much to do and barely any time left to do it.

    One day, I’m going to find a mate for you out of sheer spite, she said, cocking a brow. The work is always going to be there, Sebastian. You need to live a little—

    Bye for now! he interjected, waving and closing the door in her face.

    Hope you get a thousand papercuts! she teased through the door.

    Laughing, he strode back to the desk ready to finish the last of the planning so he could begin the final phase of ensuring everything was perfect. Hoping like hell Mila would take his request seriously, he didn’t give

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