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Poetical Reactions
Poetical Reactions
Poetical Reactions
Ebook67 pages22 minutes

Poetical Reactions

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About this ebook

Chemistry teaches a lot more about life than most people know. In this collection, I've combined 32 different poetical styles from Africa, The Middle East, America, Europe, Asia, and Ancient times and reacted them with various aspects of Chemistry. Learn about love, friendship, and the inescapable kink in our hair. (Chemical and poetical definitions behind the framework of each poem follow each example.)

Stephanie Neilan graduated from BYU with majors in History Teaching and Sociology and a minor in Chemistry Education. This book proves those subject matters are not as disparate as people sometimes think.

Release dateFeb 13, 2013
Poetical Reactions
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Stephanie Neilan

An army brat recently turned Michigan local. I graduated from BYU with Bachelors in History Teaching and Sociology and a minor in Chemistry Education in 3 1/2 years. A feat possible because I started college with the credits of a Sophomore (thank you AP tests). I enjoyed all my classes, but I think I loved the act of learning most. My books are a reflection of that. They all have an educational element that would help my kids, students and offspring, understand everything from utilizing word chunks (Kindergartners Read) to principles of chemistry (Poetical Reactions). I hope they are as beneficial to you as they have been for me. -Stephanie Neilan (Who also writes under the name LeAnn Mathis when learning is optional, but enjoyment is mandatory.)

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    Book preview

    Poetical Reactions - Stephanie Neilan

    1- Aging Wisdom

    Carbon-14s reaching out, sending last goodbyes.

    Strong, steady presence, slowly breaking down.

    Passed by, forgot, unacknowledged by foolish men.

    They alone remember the other times.

    Secrets of old unfold to those who stay around,

    But too few listen, learn.

    Find time for them.


    Elegy: Alternates hexameter (12 syllables) and pentameter (10 syllables) lines. It is usually about the death of someone and has a sad tone.

    Carbon-14: A radioactive isotope of Carbon that is found in organic substances. It decays at a steady rate, and can be used to date artifacts.

    Place of Origin: Ancient

    2- Alloy Ally

    When victory, first place, is won,

    I am chose’ to shine in the sun

    So they can know they are the best.

    Like me, they stand above the rest.

    But secretly, I still feel weak.

    A fault of which I do not speak.

    Gold − so valued loved and honored.

    In small amounts, no flaws to see.

    I am strong, proud, and free.

    But when too much I try to do,

    I crumble, break, it all falls through.

    To save my pride I do the small,

    So few e’er know - can’t do it all.

    But so much more I wish to do,

    And prove all hopes, desires true.

    Gold − so valued, loved and honored.

    One day at work another watched.

    Showing off, the job I botched.

    I went too large and would have bent,

    But Silver some of his strength lent.

    An alloy now, my failings shored,

    And truth, and pride, and faith restored.

    Gold − so valued, loved, and honored.


    The Bop: A poem consisting of three stanzas followed by a repeated line or refrain. The first stanza (six lines long) states the problem, the second stanza (eight lines long) explores

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