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Become Sober with the Power of Hypnosis!
Become Sober with the Power of Hypnosis!
Become Sober with the Power of Hypnosis!
Ebook86 pages54 minutes

Become Sober with the Power of Hypnosis!

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About this ebook

This e-book is a collection of my hypnotic blog-posts that I have written for people struggling with alcohol. Everyone who wants to get sober and stay away from alcohol should read this e-book. It doesn't matter if you failed to get sober many times before. If you really want to stop drinking alcohol as much as a drowning man wants air, you can become a person who enjoys being sober!
Read every page of this e-book loudly many times, over and over, until your mind becomes focused on what I say in my e-book. Remember, you were born sober, it is perfectly normal to become sober again!

Can you accept an idea that you are not an alcoholic but a person with a habit of drinking too much? If you can, then you are able to let your bad habit go!

You don't need any help to get sober and stay away from alcohol for the rest of your life because you have the power within! It is the power of your mind! Use your mind to become a person who enjoys being sober.
I want you to become The Master of Yourself!


Alexander Ivlev
Certified hypnotist

Release dateSep 24, 2019
Become Sober with the Power of Hypnosis!
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Alexander Ivlev

Alexander Ivlev was born in Russia in 1962. He started writing when he was 10 years of age. He created his own character named Nos and wrote a lot of funny stories about him, drawing the illustrations for his mini books as well.In 1975 somebody gave to Alex a book titled Gymnastics for The Brain. Alexander learned a lot about Autogenic Training and self-hypnosis from that book. That's how he became fascinated by hypnotism, as a shortcut to achieving goals.Today Alexander Ivlev is a certified member of The National Guild of Hypnotists and a certified hypnotist, who writes e-books in his spare time.

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    Become Sober with the Power of Hypnosis! - Alexander Ivlev


    Copyright © 2019 Alexander Ivlev

    All rights reserved.

    Why do you want to stop drinking alcohol?

    Is it your health concern or something else? Is it your own decision or somebody’s else? The truth is if you are responsible for your drinking problem, you can stop drinking alcohol easily through hypnosis! In contrary, if you don’t take responsibility for your problem, then nothing and nobody can help you to get sober.

    For example, Tom, who was 50 years old heavy drinker, spent a month in a very reputable rehab center. While Tome was in there, his desire to drink faded away, and he recovered. But as soon as he got out, he started drinking again as easy as before. Why? Because he was not really interested in getting sober in the first place!

    You are responsible for your drinking problem.

    Yes? Then you can improve your life by choosing to stop drinking and stay away from alcohol for the rest of your life. Of course, you may say that you tried that before and this didn’t work for you. Well, in order to solve your drinking problem, you have to want to stop drinking as much as a drowning man wants air!

    Your wanting to stop drinking has a reason. If you suffer from your drinking problem, you have a good reason to stop drinking. If you are afraid to die from alcohol overdose, you have a very good reason to get sober and never drink again. My father died from alcohol overdose. He was 40 years old.

    Is your desire to stop drinking alcohol strong and constant?

    Do you struggle to stop drinking? You don’t enjoy alcohol anymore, right? Then you can stop drinking alcohol easily through hypnosis! No chemical pills needed. All you need is your willingness to listen to me, your hypnotist, and follow my simple instructions.

    Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation in which your subconscious mind can accept some ideas. You know that alcohol is a dangerous poison to you. But your subconscious doesn’t think so. When someone says to you that you have to stop drinking, you can easily ignore that suggestion. But while in hypnosis, you can’t ignore such suggestion.

    You can reduce or completely delete your desire to drink alcohol through hypnosis.

    As a result, you can become a person who enjoys being sober! Imagine yourself with your family having good time on vacation. Do you like it? Of course, you do! When your self-respect is strong, your self-esteem is good, your self-confidence is perfect.

    This is your possible reality that you can choose to start building right now. You know, everything in your life is the result of your thinking. Can you think positive and constructive now?

    I mean, can you make decisions based on facts, not on your negative emotions such as guilt, fear, anger? It is hard for you to think clearly because alcohol poisons your brain.

    Sometimes you can’t think at all, right? Especially in the morning, when you have to focus on your work, or make some business decisions. Do you want to improve your thinking? Stop drinking alcohol easily through hypnosis and stay away from alcohol for the rest of your life!

    You may say that stress makes you wanting to drink. Yes, maybe, but you know why? Because some of your brain cells become numb when you drink! As a result, you feel protected from outside world. Are you agree with me? This is not the real protection. This is not protection at all!

    Your negative thoughts create your negative emotions.

    Some people drink not because they enjoy alcohol, but to reduce their emotional tense. How about you? Do you drink alcohol to make your mind silent? Does it help you become happy? There is a better way to make your mind peaceful.

    Allow yourself to feel better every day, sleep better every night, be happy and successful. You were born sober. It is normal for you to get sober and stay away from alcohol for the rest of your long, happy and successful life!

    Are you interested in becoming a person who enjoys being sober?

    Does Alcohol Ruin Your Brain?

    Choose to become a person who enjoys being sober! If you need help to increase your willpower, try hypnosis. In one or several sessions your desire to drink alcohol

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