Become Sober with the Power of Hypnosis!
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This e-book is a collection of my hypnotic blog-posts that I have written for people struggling with alcohol. Everyone who wants to get sober and stay away from alcohol should read this e-book. It doesn't matter if you failed to get sober many times before. If you really want to stop drinking alcohol as much as a drowning man wants air, you can become a person who enjoys being sober!
Read every page of this e-book loudly many times, over and over, until your mind becomes focused on what I say in my e-book. Remember, you were born sober, it is perfectly normal to become sober again!
Can you accept an idea that you are not an alcoholic but a person with a habit of drinking too much? If you can, then you are able to let your bad habit go!
You don't need any help to get sober and stay away from alcohol for the rest of your life because you have the power within! It is the power of your mind! Use your mind to become a person who enjoys being sober.
I want you to become The Master of Yourself!
Alexander Ivlev
Certified hypnotist
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