The Prophetic Realm Part One: Real and Counterfeit

The Prophetic
by Riaan Engelbrecht (Author)
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In the Old Testament, the prophet would guide the king and, therefore, the people, by speaking the will of God, and many times the will of God will include correction, judgment and warnings. Prophets were often ignored in the Old Testament, while back in those days some pretended to be the voice of God yet spoke lies and spun webs of deceit. Today, nothing has changed, because God does not change (Hebrews 13:8). Prophets are still called to lead the corporate church by speaking and declaring the will, the purpose and the mandate of God. What the prophet utters may contain correction or judgment, or it may speak of encouragement, direction or wisdom. Prophets still speak to nations, or even to a multitude of nations, declaring the will of God not just unto the Church but unto secular leaders as to warn, to guide, to direct and to declare the heart and mind of God. The office is often misunderstood and also shrouded in mystery, erroneous perceptions and terrible abuse. The volume of work explores the prophetic realm, separates the truth from the misconceptions, and establishes prophetically how the Lord still uses the prophetic to advance His Kingdom. Part one and two are not just for those interested in the prophetic, but for any disciple to understand how God operates, and to ultimately discern the real prophetic movement compared to the counterfeit. 

Publication date
March 27, 2024
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