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Winds of Change: The Mayflower Collection, #0
Winds of Change: The Mayflower Collection, #0
Winds of Change: The Mayflower Collection, #0
Ebook53 pages37 minutes

Winds of Change: The Mayflower Collection, #0

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About this ebook

Desire Minter was a passenger on the famous Mayflower voyage of 1620. 

But who was she? And why did she make that journey?

Winds of Change is a short novella introducing a character from Running With The Wind and The Winter Years.

PublisherAllium Books
Release dateJul 16, 2021
Winds of Change: The Mayflower Collection, #0

Dionne Haynes

A retired doctor, Dionne lives in Plymouth, England, with her husband. She has a passion for history, the great outdoors, good food and life in general. With her medical career now well behind her, she is enjoying a second career as an author.  Dionne enjoys writing novels about ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. 

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    Winds of Change - Dionne Haynes



    Desire was afraid of water. Not the plump drops that spilled from the sky and quenched the thirst of fruit trees and golden wheat. It was deep water that scared her. The large slithering mass of the River Yare as it crept towards the sea, devouring fallen branches and stirring up silty clouds from the river bed. Occasionally it spat out a body, bloated and bedraggled. Usually an animal, but not always. Desire’s parents said she was foolish. The river was essential to everyday life, providing food to fill their bellies and a transport route for trade. But Desire found the river moody. Sometimes it was placid, the surface flat like glass, with coloured stones and darting fish deep beneath the water. Other times it was menacing and grey, threatening to engulf anything brave enough to probe the choppy surface.

    She turned away from the crowded riverbank and skipped along a muddy rutted lane, a freshly baked loaf of bread hugged to her chest and a bolt of brown woollen cloth tucked under one arm, both given as part payment for her mother’s midwifery services to a merchant’s wife. When Desire arrived at her home, she lingered outside. Raised voices drifted through the window. She stared at her shoes and sighed. Their tempers would worsen when they saw the new scuffs on the mud-spattered leather.

    She took a deep breath, then thrust open the front door. ‘Mother, look what Master Royce sent this time.’ Desire bustled towards the kitchen table and arranged the goods on the waxed oak. ‘He said he’ll have good quality linen soon, if you’re willing to wait a few more days.’

    Her mother looked at her through bloodshot eyes, her face streaked with tears. ‘Desire, you must pack up your possessions. There’s a small trunk by your mattress. Fill it with as much as will fit, because everything else must stay behind.’

    ‘Why?’ Desire fought back the urge to shed tears of her own. Her shoulders tensed. ‘Are you sending me away?’ She feared she might share the fate of her closest friend who was sent into service at eleven years of age, having been deemed too hungry a mouth to feed with her parents expecting their sixth child.

    Master Minter shook his head. ‘That will never happen. Not while I live and breathe.’


    ‘Promise. Now, do as your mother says.’

    ‘Yes, Father.’ Desire peered up at him through misty eyes. ‘Are we all going away?’

    Master Minter nodded. ‘We’re moving to the city of Leyden in Holland. I’ve been offered an opportunity that I’d be a fool to refuse, and I believe the move will benefit all three of us. Leyden is larger and busier than Norwich, and will give you opportunities that don’t exist here. Leyden already has an established English community, and a warm welcome awaits.’

    Desire’s bottom lip quivered. ‘We’re leaving England?’

    Mistress Minter let out an exasperated sigh.

    Her father narrowed his eyes. ‘We are. Enough discussion. The arrangements are already in place. When you’ve finished packing, help your mother because she has much to do tonight. We leave at dawn

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