A Quick Guide to Books2Read: Discover the Best New Tool for Discovering the Best New Books
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Publisher Description
And it's not just a hunger for any old books, but for great new books. There are readers who itch for something new to read, new worlds to visit and friendships to explore.
Now, despite the unprecedented boom in storytelling that we're experiencing culturally—no, because of the boom—it can be harder than ever to find the book you ought to read next.
That's why the smart people at Draft2Digital invented Books2Read. If you don't already know Draft2Digital, they're the world's best service for self-published authors and indie publishing houses to sell their books through all the major stores.
Give me ten minutes, and I'll show you how Books2Read can help readers like you discover the gems you're desperate for. If the service isn't already everything you want, you can trust they're working on it.
Customer Reviews
Great Book
This is a great book! It’s clear and very informative. I recommend it!
Martha Pressler