Can a Christian not be homophobic?
By onmounty and Aleh Nahorny
About this ebook
"The Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God! You must choose between serving God and indulging your sinful tendencies!" This book is for those who are willing to say similar words to people with a homosexual orientation. It is also intended for those who are told similar things.
The book will also be useful to activists, believers and non-believers, who advocate for equal rights for queer people. They will find here a reasoned defense against theological attacks. I am convinced that equal rights for queers in Christian churches is not just a demand of the "outside corrupted world" (as homonegativists say). It is also a demand for a healthy approach to Biblical theology.
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Book preview
Can a Christian not be homophobic? - onmounty
Who is this book for?
Strictly speaking, I wrote a book that I wish I had read myself years ago. I remember arguing with a peer in high school about homosexuality. What I didn't know at the time was that it wasn't a theoretical question for him. I had not researched this topic before. But I discovered that I already had a ready-made, somehow magically formed, opinion about it. The short form was that homosexuality is a disorder, a deviation from the norm. And I could prove it (it seemed to me) on all levels: biological, social, theological.
It seemed obvious to me that, on a biological level, sex is for reproduction. However, homosexual couples cannot have children. This means that it is not biologically normal. I didn't know then that even in the animal world, sex is not only used to produce offspring. And then I didn't know that evolution was concerned with the survival of a population, not the genes of a particular individual. However, work demonstrating the benefits of homosexual individuals in increasing the adaptive capacity of a population has only recently appeared.
It seemed obvious to me that gay couples threaten to destroy the institution of the family. And children growing up in homosexual families will be morally and psychologically damaged. I made these assumptions out of thin air
As I now know, all relevant scientific research proves otherwise.
But most firmly was my theological conviction that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God. After all, the Bible speaks about this very clearly and unambiguously!
Oh, if only I had been given this book to read! Perhaps then my ignorant self-confidence would not have added fuel to the fire of the inner conflict of the interlocutor, who was looking for harmony between his natural sexuality and his love for God!
I hope that this book will be useful, especially to those godly people who recognize themselves in the descriptions of the views of my youth.
Second, it is for people of faith and non-believers who stand up for the equal rights of queer people. Here they will find a reasoned shield against theological attacks on queer people. I am convinced that equal rights for queer people in Christian churches is not just a demand of the outside broken world
, as the homonegativists say. A healthy approach to biblical theology also requires this.
Ultimately, it is for queer people trying to resolve the conflict between their sense of identity and their Christian faith.
What exactly is this book about?
The debate about LGBT + raises many questions and has many branches. But the only question that can be relevant to the theological conclusion is, Do LGBT+ beliefs and practices hinder salvation?
Therefore, I support opponents of queer theology who the soteriological quotation of the New Testament consider central in this discussion:
You know that wicked people will not inherit the kingdom of God, don't you? Stop deceiving yourselves! Sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God.
(1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
Later we will see if it is correct to translate ‘arsenokoites’ from the Apostle Paul's letters as homosexual. For now, let's note that it is from the perspective of salvation that I will try to engage in the discussion.
Now that we have been justified by his blood, how much more will we be saved from wrath through him!
(Romans 5:9)
Everything else in Christianity, from ethical standards to liturgical traditions, is a means of joining Christ's gift of salvation. Or, in the interpretation of some denominations, they are signs of inclusion in salvation. So it is no exaggeration to say that the core of Christian theology is soteriology — the doctrine of salvation.
Whether we personally like or dislike the way of life of our loved ones, the style of clothing, the choice of profession, the choice of a spouse... even the image of piety is none of our business!
Who are you to criticize someone else's servant? His own Lord will determine whether he stands or falls. And stand he will, because God is able to make him stand
. (Romans 14:4)
The only time we have the right to rebuke is when we learn that what others publicly preach as the Christian norm is actually an obstacle to salvation. In this case, we are encouraged to share our concerns and arguments so that others can consciously and freely decide what they think is right and what path they want to take.
Everything you do should be done in love!
(1 Corinthians 16:14)
Before we go any further, we should make sure we understand each other. Therefore, I will first explain in what sense I will use the main words and terms.
The LGBT+ phenomenon is too diverse. I don't plan to cover it all in this short study. Although I will offer general methodological principles with the help of which you can further analyze any phenomenon of the LGBT+ spectrum. In this book, I will focus on homosexuality because it is the most popular and discussed phenomenon.
Keep in mind that when I write about homosexual relationships, I do not mean any same-sex relationships, but only relationships of committed lifelong love between equal partners.
Why am I not interested in other homosexual relationships? Because a relationship based on sinful motives or obviously accompanied by sins (infidelity, humiliation of a partner, etc.) leads to eternal destruction, even if it is a heterosexual relationship. That is, an analysis of such a homosexual partnership does nothing to clarify whether the homosexual nature of this relationship, rather than the accompanying sins, hinders salvation.
Queer Theology
You can find many external and internal definitions of queer theology