Unlimited loans, One at a time

A romance novel about connections, challenges, and fighting back when life says "No."


Mike Borodin lost his dance career and nearly his life to a traffic accident. Mostly recovered, he escaped to Los Angeles for a new start in a new job he didn't love, trying to make a new life. And then he met Paula.


Paula Ross had failed to take flight as a dancer, despite doing all the right things. The offer to do a character at a theme park was the last straw. So she made a career in a law firm, dancing only in the studio, until she found a venue where she could begin to express herself again. And then she met Mike.


It was a shock, an astonishment, a collision for both of them. Why this person, at this time, in this place? What were the odds that this person understood that drive, that passion, that compulsion?


They realized they could do things together, on and off the dance floor, that they'd never achieved before. All they had to do was ... face the music.

Publication date
September 16, 2023
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