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Chance of Love: Scandal Meets Love, #6
Chance of Love: Scandal Meets Love, #6
Chance of Love: Scandal Meets Love, #6
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Chance of Love: Scandal Meets Love, #6

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Lady Lenora St. Martin is shy and a wallflower. She has no idea how to interact in society so when Julian Everleigh, the Duke of Ashley asks her to dance at a ball she falls completely in love with him. After that one dance he doesn't seem to notice her again and Lenora has to discover a way to break out of her shell on her own and vows never to love again. As she flourishes Julian takes notice and decides she's the only lady for him, but he may have already lost his chance of having her love.

Release dateJan 28, 2020
Chance of Love: Scandal Meets Love, #6
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Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance.There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website: authordawnbrower.com

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    Book preview

    Chance of Love - Dawn Brower

    Chance of Love

    Chance of Love

    Scandal Meets Love 6

    Dawn Brower

    Monarchal Glenn Press

    Chance of Love Copyright © 2020 by Dawn Brower

    All rights reserved.

    Cover art by Mandy Koehler

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward.

    E.E. Cummings, Dive for Dreams



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8



    About The Author

    Also by Dawn Brower

    Excerpt: Believe In Love

    Amanda Mariel


    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: When an Earl Turns Wicked

    Dawn Brower


    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: Confessions of a Hellion

    Dawn Brower



    April 1816

    Spring had always been her favorite season. Lady Lenora St. Martin didn’t have much else to look forward to and the very idea of new beginnings appealed to her. Every spring new life sprouted and the barren landscape was filled with beauty and wonder. That also applied to the London ballrooms. New debutantes were launched in society and the latest crop of true English beauties was put on display for those gentlemen in search of a wife.

    Lenora had never been considered a beauty…

    She’d accepted her lot in life a long time ago. She had dark brown hair and hazel eyes, both boring. Her attributes along with her shyness kept her position as a wallflower secure. No one noticed her and most of the time that was all right with her. A crowded ballroom tended to bring out her worst anxieties. Her cousin Bennett, the Marquess of Holton, insisted she attend social gatherings. Lenora understood his reasons even if she didn’t particularly agree with them. Bennett hoped she’d find a suitor, fall in love, and then marry so she could have a family of her own. All of those things sounded wonderful. None of them were likely to happen. At least not with her…

    This ball, the one most debutantes and their mothers clamored to attend, was a good example. The young misses were all flirting with their gentlemen suitors and their mothers gossiped with other matrons. The wallflowers did what they did best—hugged the walls. Lenora; on the other hand, did none of that. She didn’t merely stand by the wall hoping some wayward gentleman would discover her and lead her to the dance floor. That would have been too simple and probably preferred by her cousin. No, Lenora didn’t do anything by normal standards. She hated to be noticed and would have loved to have remained at home reading one of her favorite novels. So she attempted to make the best of a terrible situation and hid in the darkest most obscure corner she could find.

    Spring might mean new beginnings, but it also meant new social gatherings. It led to her greatest discomfort and she dreaded it. If she’d been left alone to walk in the gardens or bask in the warmth of sunlight streaming through her bedroom window she’d have been gloriously happy. Instead she was forced into ballrooms and hiding in corners.

    What’s a lovely woman such as yourself doing in this dark corner? His voice was as warm as honey on a hot summer day. It’s tempting sweetness washed over her and made her crave a taste…of something. He was also the biggest rake in all of London. Julian Everleigh, the Duke of Ashley was a notorious seducer. Come dance with me little mouse.

    Lenora wrinkled her nose at his endearment for her. She adored Julian, but she knew better than to accept anything he offered. He visited her cousin often enough she should be unaffected by his flirtations. They thrilled her though and she wanted to savor them whenever he deigned to speak to her. No thank you, she said softly. I’m all right, promise.

    He chuckled lightly and then tilted his lips upward into the most sinful smile she’d ever witnessed. Not that she’d seen many… Most gentlemen failed to notice her let alone smile purposely in her direction. You shouldn’t promise something that isn’t true little one, he said. I don’t ever bother with a promise because I know myself too well. I’ll break them the first chance presented to me. Julian winked at her and it sent flutters through her stomach she’d never felt before in her entire life. Instead I’ll ensure you will never forget dancing with me. I’m quite good at it. He held out his hand. Now please, do me the honor of spending a few moments with me. I’m in desperate need of protection from unwanted advances. He leaned down just enough so that she could feel his warm breath when he spoke. Are you willing to be my savior?

    In that moment she’d have promised him anything, but she held back. He said promises were nothing to him. The duke openly admitted to breaking them often. The vow she was about to make would be empty words to him. So instead she smiled, even if it was a little wobbly. Dancing in front of everyone terrified her. I can try…

    That’s all anyone can ask, he told her.

    Why did he have to be so gorgeous? He was too handsome and way too pretty to be paying any attention to her. His golden blond hair rivaled the sun in brilliance and his blue eyes were more dazzling than the most exquisite sapphire. She could easily become lost in his charming veneer if she allowed herself to be. I supp…suppose, she stuttered over the word. Lenora cleared her throat and began again. I suppose that is true.

    So? He lifted a brow. Will you join me for the next set?

    She nodded as the strands of a waltz filled the room. Lenora almost groaned when she realized what she’d agreed to. The waltz was the most intimate dances and she’d never danced one with a male other than her cousin. Heck, she’d never danced at all with a male besides her cousin… That didn’t detract from her dilemma. A waltz with the duke would cause a stir and she’d be so close to him… Her hand shook as she placed it in his. Lead the way, Your Grace.

    He led her to the floor and then he twirled her into the dance before she had time to change her mind, and she’d been close to doing so. The closer she’d stepped toward the light and the prying gazes of the ton she’d become increasingly more anxious. He’d been wise to take the decision away from her.

    Julian was an amazing dancer, but that shouldn’t have surprised her. Everything about him or that he did seemed to be perfect. Now, he began. This doesn’t seem so bad does it, little one?

    At least he hadn’t called her a mouse again… No, she agreed. It was actually quite exhilarating. Lenora felt as if she was floating on air.

    I’ve always considered dancing to be too decadent to be done properly in a public forum, he began. At least the sort I prefer.

    She pushed her eyebrows together. I’m not sure I follow…

    I wouldn’t expect you would, he replied secretively. One day you might understand. Perhaps you’ll tell me when you do. The corner of his lip turned upward almost…arrogantly. As if only he really understood the secrets of the world…

    I suspect, Your Grace, that our paths won’t cross much in the coming years. The duke might be one of her cousin’s friends, but she fully expected, at some juncture, to live on her own. Once she reached her majority in a few months she planned to travel. Maybe to Italy… She hadn’t fully decided yet. We don’t keep the same company and in time the little connections we have will dissipate.

    Perhaps, he agreed. Time will tell I suppose. He twirled her around the floor expertly.

    Lenora wouldn’t ever forget this moment. She would likely never dance again, at least not like this. She was grateful she’d allowed the duke to convince her to participate. Afterward she’d likely find her way to her favorite corner to hide. In her darkest moments she’d be able to travel back to this waltz and recall it, and Julian fondly. If she believed she had a chance of something more with him… She shook that thought away. Loving him was a terrible idea and perhaps the only thing she regretted. This was a kindness, while out of character for him, but she shouldn’t expect anything else from him.

    The strands of the waltz ended and disappointment filled her. She’d tried to brush his request off at the start and now she never wanted the dance to end. The duke twirled her one last time around the floor and then led her to where their dance had begun. He bowed and kissed her gloved hand. Thank you for your benevolence, my lady. His blue

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