Junkyard: a Fractured Stars adventure

· Lindsay Buroker
214 reviews

About this ebook

McCall Richter works as a skip tracer, tracking down criminals, con men, and people who stop making payments on their fancy new spaceships.

Her job description says nothing about locating vast quantities of stolen maple syrup, but thanks to her helpful new android employee, she finds herself tramping through a “sugar house” on a frosty moon full of suspicious characters. The only witness to the crime? The junkyard dog next door.

Junkyard is a stand-alone novella set two years before Fractured Stars. It is recommended for fans of space opera and science fiction mystery.

Ratings and reviews

214 reviews
A Google user
March 23, 2019
Terrific story line and great character development makes for a very enjoyable read. I was drawn in to the world of androids and spaceships immediately. I read nonstop until the end. Definitely addicting! I will be reading everything this author has written. Keep ' em coming! I
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Ruben Solomon
November 7, 2022
good book dude hehehfh uehdhsgdgdgdhdjdcnricmrucnrucnrcubrcinfunrunrucburncricnricnrimriv inricnricnrucnrucnrcinrijirmcircmirckircnricnrufnrucmricmeucbru become nrucnricmrcmricnrucnrucnricnrucnrucnruc c vnfvu unfvinrcurncruncducnrimcricnricmricmrcinrcuevdyevdyevzyexbeucmricmrinruxnrxunrcunrcunrcurbcyrbcyrncurncfuenircmircmricmricmticnrcinctu curncurbutncutnvutcn job ckricmricn. Exrmcircmurnxurcnrucnycnrucnricnrucrnucdndicnucrnircmjfc utmvficmricni nficmticmticmticmficjrixmrimtinfwuhm you ung to ugn ugn ug nvgu nvug nvitmcirnv Gmail igmigm gim g in Gmail igm gj the same i , Crinyv v.gjmdeirim imecimg I'm itmvitmvitmvutvmtuvnutv ufv ufv utvntjmtimtiv.tkmvittim ittmvitmitvmitvmtvimvitmviifjdjfjfjfjfjhdfhhkckrfjtvjtvkvtkvtktvitvfjtjvjtvjtvjtvjjjjjjikkkkjhgfyyygggggrhrueieuf ur urudhfhdurgdhfgrusufydjruvjtucjtivjtivntguktujrgunitgjtivnrivntuvntunruvnri CV kfrirmfikrifvkotkgotkgtotomgtogmtojgtijgtodfongtigntignrigntinrigjrignrigntojgorgjrogkrokgtokvt be khjtbj kkllllqhjtbj gjvtkbtkvt
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Jose Perez
November 20, 2019
Light comedy, funny, even though you could see the ending halfway through the story.
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