A Google user
Terrific story line and great character development makes for a very enjoyable read. I was drawn in to the world of androids and spaceships immediately. I read nonstop until the end. Definitely addicting! I will be reading everything this author has written. Keep ' em coming! I
2 people found this review helpful

Ruben Solomon
good book dude hehehfh uehdhsgdgdgdhdjdcnricmrucnrucnrcubrcinfunrunrucburncricnricnrimriv inricnricnrucnrucnrcinrijirmcircmirckircnricnrufnrucmricmeucbru become nrucnricmrcmricnrucnrucnricnrucnrucnruc c vnfvu unfvinrcurncruncducnrimcricnricmricmrcinrcuevdyevdyevzyexbeucmricmrinruxnrxunrcunrcunrcurbcyrbcyrncurncfuenircmircmricmricmticnrcinctu curncurbutncutnvutcn job ckricmricn. Exrmcircmurnxurcnrucnycnrucnricnrucrnucdndicnucrnircmjfc utmvficmricni nficmticmticmticmficjrixmrimtinfwuhm you ung to ugn ugn ug nvgu nvug nvitmcirnv Gmail igmigm gim g in Gmail igm gj the same i , Crinyv v.gjmdeirim imecimg I'm itmvitmvitmvutvmtuvnutv ufv ufv utvntjmtimtiv.tkmvittim ittmvitmitvmitvmtvimvitmviifjdjfjfjfjfjhdfhhkckrfjtvjtvkvtkvtktvitvfjtjvjtvjtvjtvjjjjjjikkkkjhgfyyygggggrhrueieuf ur urudhfhdurgdhfgrusufydjruvjtucjtivjtivntguktujrgunitgjtivnrivntuvntunruvnri CV kfrirmfikrifvkotkgotkgtotomgtogmtojgtijgtodfongtigntignrigntinrigjrignrigntojgorgjrogkrokgtokvt be khjtbj kkllllqhjtbj gjvtkbtkvt

Jose Perez
Light comedy, funny, even though you could see the ending halfway through the story.
1 person found this review helpful