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Deadly Benevolence
Deadly Benevolence
Deadly Benevolence
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Deadly Benevolence

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Jaesin Grean has one priority. He wants to keep his best friend, Dr. Luciana Doll, safe from her father and a bunch of zombies wandering around outside their door. Lucy is a genius and is close to developing a cure. When her ex-fiancé, Nathanial Tyger, shows up infected she is forced to move her timetable up, hoping to save him from a future as a zombie. They race against the clock to save Nat and fight off a possible attack from her father. Will they survive in a world already torn apart? Jaesin is given the herculean task of guiding them through it all. Will he live up to Lucy's expectations and can he keep her safe long enough to find a cure.

Release dateDec 29, 2015
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Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance.There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website: authordawnbrower.com

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    Book preview

    Deadly Benevolence - Dawn Brower

    Deadly Benevolence






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Thank You

    About Dawn Brower

    Also by Dawn Brower

    Excerpt: Her Rogue for One Night

    Dawn Brower


    Excerpt: Saved by My Blackguard

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Deadly Benevolence Copyright © 2015 Dawn Brower

    Cover art by Victoria Miller

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


    First thank you to Victoria Miller for making me another wonderful cover—I love every one you have made for me. I look forward to what you create next. Keep being the brilliant person I know you are.

    Also a big thanks to my beta readers Megan M and Jennifer U. You were my first test subjects and helped me to iron out some of the kinks. I hope you enjoy some of the changes I have made so far. Also hats off to my proofreader extraordinaire, Elizabeth E. Thanks for helping spot some of those typos we all missed and making this book shine brighter.

    Lastly, but certainly not least, a huge thanks to Leona for pushing me to write a zombie short story. This was a fun challenge and one I hope worked out well.

    Zombies? What’s not to like? This story is unlike anything I’ve written or probably will ever write. When asked to write it I wondered if I could even give something of this nature justice. I’m a romance writer first, but I love all things that go bump in the night. In a nutshell…challenge accepted.

    My son, Nathan helped me plan out the characters. Nathanial was named after him and although he absolutely abhors the nickname, Nat, he forgave me its use—but only this once.

    Nathan is the reason this book exists. After all he is the number one zombie lover in my family. Nathan—I hope you like it (even though you said everyone should have died at the end.) Oops… Spoiler alert…some people live.

    If you are a zombie lover—read on. It’s a quick and deadly ride.


    The heat in the room suffocated him. They had raised the temperature in the room because they believed the disease didn’t flourish in high heat.

    They were wrong—it thrived on it. Multiplied and spread faster with each elevation. Before long, it would be everywhere, and no one would be safe. She’d made sure to explain it to him in lengthy detail—so he’d understand why they had a limited amount of time. Time was more important than ever—so many already dead—and it was running out.

    He rose from his seat to leave the room. The stale air was getting harder to breathe in—combined with the stench of body odor and sweat—he was desperate to get some fresh air.

    Where are you going? she asked.

    I can’t take it any more... He paused. Do you need me to stay?

    For her, he’d endure. If she needed him to, he’d walk over hot coals.

    She shook her head. No, if you need some space get some. Come back soon though.

    He nodded. I will be back I promise.

    He kept his promises.

    Once he was in the hallway, he let the door click shut. Just being outside of the room helped. They were leaving soon. Escape had become a necessity. Everything was in place—planned in advance just for this possibility. They were supposed to be gone already, but disaster had struck.

    Archibald Doll had contracted the disease.

    Best laid plans—what was Murphy’s Law? Anything that can happen would happen? Something like that anyway. That was what they were going through. With Archibald in the middle stages of the disease and no cure in sight, they’d be saying goodbye soon.

    Her heart was breaking, and he couldn’t do anything to stop it.

    Lieutenant Grean, a voice called.

    He halted, turned, and addressed the speaker.


    How is my father doing?

    As if he cared. Wilhelm didn’t care about anyone. Who did the evil bastard think he was fooling? The man was counting down the minutes until Archibald died.

    He’s failing.

    He nodded. Has Luciana made any progress on her cure?

    Ah, the root of his concern. He wanted the cure. Wilhelm could use it to gain ultimate control over the masses. Everyone wanted to get a hold of a cure. People were dropping like flies, only to raise right back up and destroy the ones they loved. Archibald would do the same.

    He wouldn’t let anyone destroy Lucy. Her grandfather’s death would hurt, but she’d move forward. Her mission would keep her going.

    I think she’s hit a wall.

    I see. Let me know if anything changes. He paused. Tell her to come see me as soon as possible with an update.

    She was never going to be within his reach again. They were leaving in a few short hours, after she said her final goodbyes. Maybe he should step things up a bit. Something in Wilhelm’s eyes made him nervous. Did he know what they planned?

    No Wilhelm couldn’t. He’d been very careful.


    Why couldn’t they leave him alone? Especially this dickwad. Hatred for the douche bag soared through his veins. The bastard had broken her heart.

    Captain, he replied, holding back his distaste.

    How is Archibald?

    Fine. He grated his teeth together. It took an enormous amount of self control not to snarl at him. Do you need anything else?

    He shook his head. Do you think she’ll leave his side soon?

    I don’t know—she’s committed to seeing this through.

    To prevent any further questioning he spun on his heels and headed in the opposite direction of the captain. Being around him left a bad taste in his mouth. Soon, neither one of them would have to deal with anyone in Wilhelm’s compound again. Archibald had made sure Luciana had choices. His granddaughter meant the world to him, and he’d wanted her safe from his deranged son.

    It was highly possible Wilhelm had Archibald infected to get rid of him.

    Maybe he shouldn’t have left her alone. He doubled back to check on her. There were two soldiers now stationed outside the door. Since when did the room need

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