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Billionaire Takes All - A Caldwell Hope Billionaire Romance - cover

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Billionaire Takes All - A Caldwell Hope Billionaire Romance


Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing

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The rules: The first son to provide an heir to the King fortune gets all of the five-billion-dollar inheritance. The loser gets nothing. 
 I did everything my father asked, including following in his footsteps to become one of the country's most ruthless businessmen. I deserve that inheritance more than my deadbeat, musician brother. 
 Ridiculous. All I do is win and this test will be no exception. 
 The record store owner, Gloria, is a sexy, alt-rock firecracker and the opposite of what I need right now, but the more she pushes me away, the more I need to have her.  
 My pompous prick of a brother thinks he can beat me? I'm Mr. Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll. I can knock up any girl I want. 
 Any girl but the one I really want. The reason I stayed away from my hometown was because my high school sweetheart, Molly, married someone else. And now that I'm back, she's still all I can think about. 
 Jackson Kane's Billionaire Takes All is a scorcher that features dual POVs of both rival brothers as they screw each other over in their pursuit of thrills, sex, love, and the competition for their five-billion-dollar inheritance. Who will win their father's test? Will it be the high-powered alpha CEO Richard, or the sexy heartthrob rock star Lucas? Only one Billionaire Takes All.
Available since: 04/18/2020.

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