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Shocked by My Vixen: Linked Across Time, #14
Shocked by My Vixen: Linked Across Time, #14
Shocked by My Vixen: Linked Across Time, #14
Ebook162 pages2 hours

Shocked by My Vixen: Linked Across Time, #14

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Christian Kendall, the Marquess of Blackthorn wishes he didn't have any responsibilities. If  his family didn't depend on him he'd have been able to travel like his brother Nicholas. With Nicholas away he feels a little lost and uncertain for the first time in his life. 
Lady Scarlett Lynwood is lost. Not in the physical sense, but the emotional way. She wants to explore the world and discover hidden treasures. She has no place in her life for love. She wants to be brave like her mother. Unfortunately, that is not something she can ever be. She has to be the proper lady and attend the season. What her parents do not understand is she'll never be proper or ladylike. She has a wild spirit that will not be tamed.
Christian and Scarlett have a past neither wishes to speak of or remember. As they cross paths they are forced to relive it all, and finally put it to rest. They must finally admit the truth...when it's the last thing either wants. They are drawn to each other, and they have to ask themselves if they can find a way past their differences, and allow love to blossom between them.

Release dateOct 27, 2020
Shocked by My Vixen: Linked Across Time, #14
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Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance.There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website: authordawnbrower.com

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    Book preview

    Shocked by My Vixen - Dawn Brower

    Shocked by My Vixen

    Shocked by My Vixen

    Linked Across Time Book 14

    Dawn Brower



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8




    About The Author

    Also by Dawn Brower

    Excerpt: Smitten with My Christmas Minx


    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: Lady Pear’s Duke: First Day of Christmas

    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: The Vixen in Red

    Dawn Brower

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Excerpt: Shocked by My Vixen

    Dawn Brower


    Excerpt: Smitten with My Christmas Minx


    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: The Vixen in Red

    Chapter 1

    Sometimes you heart need more time to accept something your mind already knows, and sometimes it is the reverse. I hope everyone enjoys the struggles both Christian and Scarlett face, and forgive them as they fumble through it all. Love is hard, but worth it with the right person.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Shocked by My Vixen Copyright © 2020 Dawn Brower

    Cover art and edits by Victoria Miller

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


    Summer 1835

    Lady Scarlett Lynwood stared out the window of the library at Weston Manor. She shouldn’t be there. Not the library, the Weston estate… Something inside her told her she’d regret allowing her mother to bring her there. Her premonitions never steered her wrong, not once since she realized she could sometimes predict the future. She may be five and ten, but her otherness often made her feel ancient. This time was no different.

    Why are you in here alone? a gentleman asked.

    She turned to meet Christian Kendall, the Marquess of Blackthorn’s gaze. He was a couple years older than her, and he remained a complete gentleman. That might be because this was his family home, and one day he’d be the duke, or it could be his demeanor. She wasn’t certain either way, or why it mattered to her at all. Scarlett shrugged nonchalantly. There’s nothing of interest outside this room.

    Christian, she couldn’t think of him as Lord Blackthorn, it seemed to impersonal and formal, tilted his head to the side. But there’s something entertaining in here?

    Of course, she replied and gestured toward the shelves. There are numerous stories on the shelves that could take me to different worlds anytime I choose.

    He smiled. I suppose that is true. Christian moved closer to her. Do you have a favorite book?

    She shook her head. I’d like to read some of the books my mother speaks of, she began. You know, from her time.

    Christian’s smile fell. Did he not like to speak about time travel? His mother, Alys, the Duchess of Weston, had journeyed from the same time as Scarlett’s mother had. This was not a secret either woman had kept from their children. Scarlett had eavesdropped on several of their conversations over the years. They reminisced about how easy moving from one place to another was, mobile phones, and something called a hot shower. They all sounded interesting, but Scarlett doubted she would ever encounter them. She liked to think she was brave, but doubted she possessed the courage to travel to an unfamiliar time.

    I’m not sure I understand your meaning, Christian said carefully.

    Scarlett shook her head and lifted up the corner of her lips. Don’t pretend you do not understand my words. It doesn’t become you to play ignorant of our mothers’s pasts.

    He lifted a brow, almost arrogantly. We don’t discuss these things. They’re best left unsaid.

    Scarlett sneered. He was a fool then. Perhaps you should remind the ladies that brought us into this world of that fact. I do not believe they’ve received that particular message.

    Christian sighed. You’re right, of course. He stood in front of a large mirror and stared at his reflection. He was a rather handsome young man, and would probably become more gorgeous through the years. He wasn’t for her though. She didn’t know her future, but she did know she would not be a future duchess. That fate seemed atrocious, and she refused to believe she’d fall in love with a man destined to thrust her in the middle of societal expectations. She would much rather do as she pleased without taking any of that into consideration.

    Do you know how time travel works? he asked, still staring at the mirror.

    I do, she answered. Well, not completely, I understand its possible, and that my family has certain gifts that allow us to bend time to our will, but I don’t know how they make it work.

    Scarlett stared at the mirror. There was something unusual about it, and she was drawn to it. She wanted to touch it, but that meant moving closer to Christian. Before she realized what she was doing, she walked over to it and stood directly next to him. His hair was a little lighter, almost sun-kissed, and hers… a darker shade of red. Their reflections stared back at them, almost taunting both Christian and her, to reach out and what? Step inside? That didn’t seem right. She closed her eyes, and she could envision it. The two of them walking hand and hand right through that reflective glass.

    It’s speaking to you too, isn’t it? Christian asked in a hushed whisper. It talks to me all the time, and some days I almost want to give in to it.

    Was that what it did? Spoke to those with abilities and lured them to the other side? Is that what had happened to her mother? Scarlett had never asked her how she’d travelled, and in turn, her mother had never offered the details. Now she wanted to find out. Later, she’d finally ask her. Her mother might volunteer the information on her own since her special gift was empathy and she could easily discern what bothered people. It’s doing something, she admitted. Scarlett reached for his hand and clasped it in her own. She didn’t understand why she felt the need but didn’t question it either. He glanced down at their hands, then met her gaze.

    If you wanted to hold my hand, you should have said so sooner, he said in a flirtatious tone.

    Oh, do be quiet, she chastised him, then reached out and touched the mirror. Waves circled out as it would on a pond after a rock had been tossed in. She flinched at the soft texture, not expecting it. Did you see that?

    I don’t think you should do that again, Christian answered, his voice taut.

    The waves cleared, and an image formed in the mirror, it no longer showed their reflection. Instead, it showed…their future. Scarlett hadn’t expected that. An older version of them were in a passionate embrace inside a room she didn’t recognize. He kissed her as if his life depended on it, and it did funny things to her insides to witness. Sensations spread over her, and she nearly groaned. Scarlett could almost feel what her future self did.

    That… His voice was hoarse as he spoke. That can’t be true.

    No? She turned to him and lifted a brow. Do you find me that disgusting then?

    I didn’t say that, he replied, defensive. He glanced down to their clasped hands and yanked his free. It’s…not that at all. The mirror must be pulling an intricate gamon on us.

    To what end? She was disgusted with him. Scarlett wanted to jab him a few times and curse at him, but held back. He didn’t deserve to breathe the same air as her. Are you suggesting the mirror is sentient? She snorted. Don’t be ridiculous.

    Scarlett turned away from him and started to leave the room, but stopped when he called back to her. You can see the future, can you not? Do you honestly think that will happen?

    She kept her back straight and didn’t turn to meet his gaze. His unworthiness was growing by leaps and bounds. Scarlett didn’t speak about her gifts. How could he possibly know? My future has nothing to do with you. After she spoke, she continued out of the room. She didn’t explain that she couldn’t see her own future and had no way of ascertaining if the vision in the mirror was true or not, but she hoped it was as he said…a trick of some sort. She hated to think she would desire him and allow him to kiss her in that fashion. Scarlett, at least not at the current juncture of her life, had no designs on marriage to anyone. Kissing usually led a lady on that direct path, and the path toward Christian came with duty and responsibilities she couldn’t see herself fulfilling. One day he’d be the duke, and she had no aspirations to be his duchess, or more importantly, the wife he would need by his side.

    Deep inside, though, she believed it to be true. Even when she wanted to deny it to her last breath. Scarlett wanted him, had always been drawn to him, but kept telling herself he wasn’t for her. She would repeat that mantra until one day she actually believed it… He deserved a lady that could fully give herself to him. Scarlett cold never be that woman…because she would never allow herself to love him. To give her heart, in her estimation, a least for herself, was tantamount to misery. No, she would not fall in love, now, or in the future. It was for the best.

    Chapter 1

    Ten years later…

    Scarlett stared out the carriage window as they traveled down the long drive that led to Weston Manor. In some ways, it was surreal. During the last visit, she’d had a bizarre experience, one she hoped never to repeat, with Christian Kendall, the Marquess of Blackthorn. She had been avoiding him as much as possible since that day.

    After their shared vision, she’d avoided him at all costs. What she had seen in that mirror was as close to a nightmare as she could ever imagine. She didn’t believe in love, and she fully expected that was what the mirror was reflecting back at them. She was supposed to love Christian, but she couldn’t. Love was something for other people, not a girl who saw more than she should. Her premonitions showed her so much, and so little. In short, they showed her everything except what she wanted to see. A future that didn’t involve Lord Blackthorn…

    He couldn’t be her future, even if sometimes she wished he could…and it hurt

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