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Pilgrim's Progress Reimagined
Pilgrim's Progress Reimagined
Pilgrim's Progress Reimagined
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Pilgrim's Progress Reimagined

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In this hilarious, action-packed, freely and fully adapted reimagining of John Bunyan's 1678 allegorical fantasy, the thrilling adventure of Christian's journey to heaven is punctuated by uproarious characters and situations. 

This ensemble comedy has non-stop laughs and dozens of delightful roles, both small and large. With easy costume accessories, simple hand props and no set requirements, the show can be presented on a shoestring budget. 

Whether or not they've read the original,  audiences will rejoice in this upbeat, silly-yet-sublime Christian comedy.

PublisherPatrick Dorn
Release dateNov 9, 2015
Pilgrim's Progress Reimagined
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Patrick Rainville Dorn

Patrick Rainville Dorn is an author, playwright, and theatre critic with a bunch of stories, more than 100 published plays, more than a thousand published play reviews, and three children’s books. He’s also an Anglican priest and full-time chaplain. Patrick earned an MA in Theatre from the University of Denver and has published numerous plays and skits for churches, schools, and other amateur groups. Check out all of Patrick’s stories, plays, musicals, and children's books at

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    Book preview

    Pilgrim's Progress Reimagined - Patrick Rainville Dorn

    Pilgrim’s Progress Reimagined

    Pilgrim’s Progress Reimagined

    a freely-adapted stage comedy inspired by John Bunyan’s classic Christian allegory

    Patrick Rainville Dorn

    Copyright © 2008 by Patrick Rainville Dorn

    Thank you for purchasing a reading copy of PILGRIM'S PROGRESS REIMAGINED. This is a READING COPY ONLY, and does not include photocopying or production rights.

    If you would like to purchase a downloadable, printable script and production rights to PILGRIM'S PROGRESS REIMAGINED, please contact StagePlays.

    Royalties are $100 per performance, payable to StagePlays. Contact StagePlays at to order a downloadable, printable script and arrange royalties.

    All rights to this publication — including but not limited to amateur, professional, public reading, inclusion in other published works, translation into foreign languages, and broadcast rights are controlled by Patrick Dorn.

    These rights are fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and of all countries covered by the Universal Copyright Convention or with which the United States has reciprocal copyright relations, including Canada, Mexico, Australia and all nations of the United Kingdom.

    Check out all of Patrick's Rainville Dorn's

    stories, plays, musicals, and children's books at

    To Dave and Lissa Brandl, who saw the comic potential of this play, and brought it to fresh and exciting life.



    Cast Of Characters

    Synopsis Of Scenes


    Act One

    Act Two

    Production Notes

    Free Offer

    About the Author



    a freely-adapted stage comedy inspired by

    John Bunyan’s classic Christian allegory

    By Patrick Rainville Dorn

    Cast: Extremely flexible cast of 10-30 or more

    Set: Empty stage (optional levels)

    Time: About 90 minutes

    In this hilarious, action-packed, freely and fully adapted reimagining of John Bunyan's 1678 allegorical fantasy, the thrilling adventure of Christian's journey to heaven is punctuated by uproarious characters and situations.

    This ensemble comedy has non-stop laughs and dozens of delightful roles, both small and large. With easy costume accessories, simple hand props and no set requirements, the show can be presented on a shoestring budget.

    Whether or not they’ve read the original, audiences will rejoice in this upbeat, silly-yet-sublime Christian comedy.

    Reading Copy: $7.99 (digital); $9.99 (paperback)

    Performance Royalty: $100 per performance

    Contact StagePlays at to order a downloadable, printable script and to arrange royalties.

    Cast Of Characters

    (In Order of Appearance)

    Extremely flexible ensemble of 10-30 or more play all the roles, with numerous opportunities for doubling or adding extras. See Production Notes for details.

    Prologue: Bedford Jail

    Jailer (M or F)

    John Bunyan (M)


    Scene One: City of Destruction

    Christian One (M)

    Christian’s Wife (F)

    Child One (M or F)

    Child Two (M or F)

    Pliable (M or F)

    Obstinate (M or F)

    Citizens (optional)

    Evangelist (M or F)

    Scene Two: The Slough of Despond

    Despondent One (M or F)

    Despondent Two (M or F)

    Additional Despondents (optional)

    Christian Two (M or F)

    Help (M or F)

    Scene Three: The Village of Morality

    Worldly Wiseman (M or F)

    Scene Four: The Wicket Gate and the Cross


    Tweedle-Be (M or F)

    Tweedle-Attitude (M or F)

    Shining One (M or F)

    Christian Three (M or F)

    Additional Shining Ones (optional)

    Scene Five: Difficulty Hill

    Formalist (M or F)

    Hypocrisy (M or F)

    Shining One (M or F)

    Mistrust (M or F)

    Timorous (M or F)

    Scene Six: The Palace Beautiful

    Lion One (M or F)

    Lion Two (M or F)

    Watchful (M)

    Discretion (F)

    Prudence (F)

    Piety (F)

    Charity (F)

    Christian Four (M or F)

    Scene Seven: The Valley of Humiliation

    Apollyon (M or F)

    First Fiend (M or F)

    Second Fiend (M or F)

    Additional Fiends (optional)

    Shining One (M or F)

    Additional Shining Ones (optional)


    Scene One: The Valley of the Shadow of Death

    Christian Five (M or F)

    Insane Shadow (M or F)

    Monstrous Shadow (M or F)

    Demonic Shadow (M or F)

    Sing-Song Shadow (M or F)

    Tempting Shadow (M or F)

    Faithful (M or F)

    Scene Two: Vanity Fair

    Seductive Reveler (M or F)

    Burly Reveler (M)

    Additional Revelers (optional)

    Merchant One (M or F)

    Merchant Two (M or F)

    Additional Merchants (optional)

    Guard One (M or F)

    Guard Two (M or F)

    Guard Three (M or F)

    Judge (M or F)

    Hopeful (M or F)

    Christian Six (M or F)

    Scene Three: Doubting Castle

    Flattery (M or F)

    Zombies (2 or more) (M or F)

    Giant Despair (M or F)

    Scene Four: The Delectable Mountains in the Land of Beulah

    Shepherd One (M or F)

    Shepherd Two (M or F)

    Additional Shepherds (optional)

    Sheep (Shirley, Goodness, Mercy, Grace) (M or F)

    Christian Seven (M or F)

    Beulah (F)

    Scene Five: The River of Death

    Shining One (M or F)

    Additional Shining Ones (optional)

    Various Fiends and Zombies

    Scene Six: The Celestial City

    Shining Ones (as many as you can spare) (M or F)

    Cloud of Witnesses (ditto) (M or F)

    Synopsis Of Scenes

    Time: The recent past or present, and Eternity

    Place: Various locales from this world to that which is to come. The action is continuous.

    Prologue: Bedford Jail


    Scene One: City of Destruction

    Scene Two: The Slough of Despond

    Scene Three: The Village of Morality

    Scene Four: The Wicket Gate and the Cross

    Scene Five: Difficulty Hill

    Scene Six: The Palace Beautiful

    Scene Seven: The Valley of Humiliation


    Scene One: The Valley of the Shadow of Death

    Scene Two: Vanity Fair

    Scene Three: Doubting Castle

    Scene Four: The Delectable Mountains in the Land of Beulah

    Scene Five: The River of Death

    Scene Six: The Celestial City


    PILGRIM'S PROGRESS REIMAGINED may be performed on an empty stage or a church sanctuary, and even a backstage is not necessary if props and costumes are stored to the side in crates and on garment racks, and if benches are provided for cast seating. If this is the case, Ensemble can enter through the audience, or be found on stage as Bunyan dreams the play. They could even be fellow inmates at Bedford Prison. However, if it

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