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The 9th Degree "Alex gets his five minutes of fame!": The 9th Degree: "Alex gets his five mintes of fame!", #1
The 9th Degree "Alex gets his five minutes of fame!": The 9th Degree: "Alex gets his five mintes of fame!", #1
The 9th Degree "Alex gets his five minutes of fame!": The 9th Degree: "Alex gets his five mintes of fame!", #1
Ebook79 pages1 hour

The 9th Degree "Alex gets his five minutes of fame!": The 9th Degree: "Alex gets his five mintes of fame!", #1

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About this ebook

 Alex is the normal guy with the average life who is in search of his place in society.  Alex worked very hard to change his average persona and achieve the Fifteen Minutes of genuine love and admired Fame. 
Alex gets the formula for his fame from Mr. J, a local transient philosopher who warns him of evil men looking to steal the formula. The evil men put pressure on Alex to give up the formula. Alex gets a lucky break because his work colleagues named Stella saves him from their brand of brutality. 
Alex and Stella find love, but there is secret, keeping them from finding being together. Stella's best friend and confidant Amanda help her get to the bottom of Alex's dirty little secret. Amanda does her best friend duties graciously while seeing how deep she can stick a knife in her longtime friends back.  
The story is a different kind of story written to feel emotions while keeping the plot new and fresh at every turn.  Laughs will come because this is not a conventional book since it is filled with love, sex, fast cars, and snappy lines. 

Release dateDec 26, 2017
The 9th Degree "Alex gets his five minutes of fame!": The 9th Degree: "Alex gets his five mintes of fame!", #1

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    Book preview

    The 9th Degree "Alex gets his five minutes of fame!" - Eric K. Williams Sr.

    Table of Contents

    Beware Of Changes You Make

    The story begins with Alex, who is a normal guy by all definitions. Since there is no true definition for normal take this statement for what it is worth. He has a lot of great personal qualities but his work colleagues only judge him by his one defining short fall. He is considered an outcast at work because he cannot control his inner gases from flowing out of his body at certain key times.

    The elevator really amplifies his urge because of the up and down motion combined with soft music. Elevators have always driven Alex crazy. The atmosphere in the elevator continually throws his body into a state of uncontrollable hysteria. This hysteria is like being uptight about some family drama you are trying to avoid while your favorite song is playing on the radio in the background. This situation gives you the urge to move your body to the beat. This action is uncontrollable, even though you know dancing is not appropriate for the situation. You cannot stop the feelings from flowing through your body. Alex has tried countless methods to control his problem but has been unsuccessful in finding a way to stop or even curb his gaseous problem.

    Always seeking a solution; Alex develops a friendship with Mr. J the local transient celebrity whom he makes a point to converse with twice a week. Mr. J is well-known throughout the city for being a talented consultant, philosopher, and even a prophet. The man’s advice is always sane, witty, and easily understood even though his method of communication is slightly different. He utilizes colorful stories, fluent motions, and musical references to provide easy to understand solutions to just about any question he is asked. Mr. J survives by charging a fee for his services, which is usually some spare change.

    Alex is having a terrible day, so he decided to go spend some time with his colorful friend. During a somber moment, Alex mentioned his elevator problem to Mr. J. The transient’s response was to break out in a little song and dance while singing Poppa gotta a brand-new bag. Mr. J stopped suddenly in a contorted pose as if someone pushed the pause button on a remote control. Alex could see he was extremely serious about helping fix his problem. He took great care in ensuring Alex understood the words that were going to come out of his mouth. He pulled Alex close and whispered Follow these instructions to release your problems. I am warning you there may be evil forces looking to attack you for this high level G-4 classified secret.

    Mr. J. whispered a set of instructions to Alex like he was in a spy movie. Alex was eagerly paying attention to each step. After hearing the full set of instructions Alex felt that his advice was worth trying. Alex dug in his pocket and gave Mr. J three wrinkled green backs. He thought to himself; the instructions were strange but hell; they could only help his situation or amplify his problem. Mr. J emphasized that he follow his instructions properly or the situation could end in tragedy. The rest of the day Alex went to various stores collecting the articles and supplies as instructed. When Alex was finished, he headed to his apartment to start his quest.

    Alex entered his apartment and quickly went to work on the instructions provided by his Loco transient friend. Alex took the largest Vidalia onion he could find and placed it in the microwave. He nuked it until he could see the outer layers of the onion pulsate. He used two handmade oven mitts of aluminum foil to rip the sweet pulsating onion out of the depths of the microwave. He quickly placed it in a bath of cold water and ice to shock it into releasing the evil that makes the onion bring tears to the eyes of people all over the world. He covered the bath of cold ice water with a red towel. Alex sang I got you babe for three minutes while caressing the onion’s soul in his mind.

    Alex removed the handmade oven mitts and ripped the towel off the onion’s cold bath of ice water. He quickly grabbed the union and placed it in the nearby blender with his bare hands. Mr. J explained that this action was to soothe the onion to allow Alex to become linked with its evil empty soul. Alex pulled the onion back out of the blender. He took two steps back and shot the onion back into the blender like it was a basketball. He added a double dose of anti-gas pills and brewed a strong pot of coffee. The coffee needed to sit in the pot for 24 hours. The day-old coffee had to smell similar to something that would peel the paint off walls.

    The next-day Alex tasted the concoction at exactly the 24-hour mark. The coffee tasted like somebody slapped the taste out of his mouth but smelled like his armpits after he had worked out at the gym. He added salt and pepper to add a nice balance to the rancid concoction. He poured five cups of the coffee in the blender with the onion, and blended the concoction for four minutes, pulled it off the blender motor and shook it by hand for another three minutes. He stirred it with a wooden spoon for two more minutes, poured it into three small ice trays, and finally froze the concoction in small bite size ice cubes for easy consumption. Alex realized that Mr. J’s instructions were a lot of work. He was in a state of exhaustion and quickly performed his nightly sh*t, shower and shave and laid down on his couch. He could hear the television infomercials playing as he dozed off into as deep sleep.

    Alex woke up singing Jack LaLannes theme song and immediately wanted to purchase the Sham Wow! Alex cleared his mind and quickly entered the kitchen. He opened the freezer and grabbed one of the small ice trays. He popped out a single cube, poured a cup of the two day old coffee, and gingerly washed a bowl of fresh strawberries. Alex began following Mr. J’s second set of instructions, which were complex in nature. Mr. J instructed him to take one frozen bite size cube and stick it under his tongue. He was to sip the two day-old coffee and eat the strawberry with

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