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Appliqué Art Quilts Inspired By Stained Glass: Books for Textile Artists, #2
Appliqué Art Quilts Inspired By Stained Glass: Books for Textile Artists, #2
Appliqué Art Quilts Inspired By Stained Glass: Books for Textile Artists, #2
Ebook101 pages26 minutes

Appliqué Art Quilts Inspired By Stained Glass: Books for Textile Artists, #2

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Transform your art quilts from 'formal' to 'fabulous' with this stained-glass-inspired technique! Recreate the idea of stained glass quilts — with an artistic twist and NO bias tape. If you love the idea of contemporary stained glass quilting but are looking for an artistic way to express your ideas using your own photos as inspiration, this book is for you. Artist and author, Deborah Wirsu guides you through the materials and tools required, design inspiration, making your own patterns, and constructing your appliqué art quilt inspired by stained glass. Discover how to put all the pieces of this delightful puzzle together in this step-by-step guide.

Release dateMar 26, 2023
Appliqué Art Quilts Inspired By Stained Glass: Books for Textile Artists, #2
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    Appliqué Art Quilts Inspired By Stained Glass - Deborah Wirsu


    My inspiration for recreating the effect of stained glass in quilts comes from a lifelong passion for art, colour, and the power of visual self-expression. As an artist, I am fascinated by many different art forms and techniques, and I love experimenting. Rather than feeling constrained by ‘other people’s patterns’, I wanted to create something uniquely mine.

    Traditional stained glass windows, made with glass and lead lighting, are something I have long admired but fear I would never have the patience to create from glass myself!

    So, as a lover of creating with my sewing machine, I looked for ways to represent the idea of stained glass using fabric and thread—without the need for bias tape.

    Herein lies the difference.

    Stained glass quilting (for want of a better term) has long been popular. Indeed, I have made a few art quilts using this traditional technique, whereby panels of colour are arranged to form a picture. Each is then bordered with black bias tape to represent the lead lighting used in ‘real’ stained glass windows.

    However, anyone familiar with my work also knows that my favourite mantra in creative textile art is:

    There are no rules!

    Plume of Pride PRINT.jpg

    ‘Plume of Pride’ — Deborah Wirsu [Contemporary art quilt made with bias tape]

    In my creative work and teaching, I look for simple ways to make unusual and interesting things. It always saddens me when aspiring textile artists look at ‘other people’s work’ and think they could never make something that ‘good’. But the fact is, most textile art techniques are not inherently difficult to master with a bit of practice.

    All the so-called experts usually have is the advantage of having more experience. And experience comes with doing.

    Examples of traditional and contemporary stained glass abound. A quick Google search reveals hundreds of fine examples, from the earliest days of glassmaking to modern, abstract designs featuring everything from people and animals, to landscapes, to religious images.

    Yet there is still unity in the construction method of traditional stained glass windows, regardless of whether they are medieval or made yesterday, and that using lead lighting to mount and separate the glass sections.

    A similar trend has continued in stained glass quilting—the tradition of separating the fabric segments with bias tape goes on.

    Many textile artists enjoy making stained glass art quilts—the technique is popular, highly effective, and relatively simple. Some designs take my breath away with their intricacy and beauty. But I wanted something different.

    Something that would be quick and easy to create—I like to work fast!

    Something that allowed me to make my own patterns, using my photos (or simply inspirational ideas) to get me started.

    A simple technique that I could teach to others, regardless of their current experience.

    Combining my enjoyment of art quilting, freeform and raw-edge appliqué, and stained glass designs, my simple technique for creating a stained glass effect using my own photos and without using bias tape emerged.

    Stained glass sampler-EBOOK.jpg

    ‘Liquid Windows’ — Deborah Wirsu [My first experimental sampler for this technique, made without bias tape]

    The beauty of this technique is:

    The artist is no longer constrained by boundaries, rules, or using other people’s designs. How cool is that? Anyone who knows me well understands my passion for creating unique works rather than recreating a purchased pattern designed by someone else.

    Embellishments and decorative stitching can be added or not, as you wish.

    Any style of art quilting can be created using this technique. This includes fauna and flora, landscapes, and portraits.

    Many creative quilters and textile artists already have the tools required at

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