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Blackbirch: The Dark Half
Blackbirch: The Dark Half
Blackbirch: The Dark Half
Ebook301 pages4 hours

Blackbirch: The Dark Half

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Now that the origins of his power have been revealed, Josh Taylor's search for answers continues with the arrival of Kallie-a girl he thought only existed in his dreams.

Running from her own secrets, she shows Josh how to use his gift in ways he didn't know were possible. But, as they push the limits of their abilities, they discover there

PublisherK.M. Allan
Release dateJul 17, 2020
Blackbirch: The Dark Half
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K.M. Allan

K.M. Allan is an identical twin, but not the evil one. She started her career penning beauty articles for a hairstyling website and now powers herself with chocolate and green tea while she writes novels and blogs about writing.When she's not creating YA stories full of hidden secrets, nightmares, and powerful magic, she likes to read, binge-watch too much TV, spend time with family, and take more photos than she will ever humanly need.Visit her website, www.kmallan.com, to discover the mysteries of the universe. Or at the very least, some good writing tips.

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    Blackbirch - K.M. Allan


    Josh Taylor stumbled for the nearest door, finding it buried in the far wall of The Playhouse interior. As he yanked it open, and the room tilted, a wave of energy shoved him. He rode it out, letting the momentum carry him into the darkened alleyway.

    Sarah Randall followed, lowering herself to his side when he came to rest on the hard pavement. The hem of her dress dirtied as it dragged across the dusty ground, smudging the pale pink material as she kneeled. Her blanket of long blond hair swept across her blurred face before he was hit again, forcing his eyes shut. Was the invisible force trying to crush him? He pushed his fists against his forehead as the pressure swelled.

    Sarah’s presence slipped away, snuffed out by the energy and the darkness of his closed lids. He was alone against the elements, completely at their mercy. His skin cooled as ice seeped into his limbs, and a palm pressed against his cheek, making him wonder if it was his own. His fingers were so cold it was hard to tell. The hand warmed, weakening the wave and giving him back his strength.

    He lifted his chin and opened his eyes. It was Kallie. Her petite hand outstretched, resting gently on his skin as if it was where it belonged.

    Just breathe, she murmured.

    Josh sucked in a lungful of air. When he exhaled, the scattered remains of the energy wave broke and her features sharpened, her brown eyes shining at him, their shade darker than he expected.

    It’s real life, not a dream, he reminded himself, watching Kallie’s brow furrow. Dammit, she’d heard him, and it caused a flush of heat to wash through his cheeks. Her hand slipped from his skin, taking the warmth and the faint blue glow of her energy with it. She’d been using her power on him?

    What was that? he asked.

    That was my fault. She stood. I was channeling my full strength of energy to find you, not realizing you didn’t have your veil up.

    My what?

    Now her cheeks flushed. Sorry. A veil. It’s like a filter between you and the weight of the magick. It’ll stop it from becoming too much.

    That would have been good to know. He rubbed where her palm had been, and his fingertips tingled.

    Ah hum.

    Sarah’s throat cleared loudly, reminding Josh she was there. He watched her rise to her feet and grip Kallie’s hand, giving it a shake.

    I’m Sarah.

    Kallie Jacobs.

    This is the girl I was telling you about, he said to Sarah as he stood. I’m Josh. He held out his hand. Kallie’s gaze had followed him as he straightened, her head tilting up. When his fingers found hers, a spark of energy burst between them, sending a ticklish jolt through his body.

    Just picture a veil being pulled between you and everything else. Kallie smiled as she withdrew her touch. It’ll stop that from happening when we’re close.

    That wasn’t so bad. Josh grinned, not caring that he probably looked like an idiot. He pictured a veil like she said, and the intense buzz simmered down.

    That’s better, right?

    Yeah. She could feel what he’d done?

    Sarah leaned into him. When you say, ‘this is the girl I was telling you about,’ do you mean the girl from your weird dreams? The one who we agreed wasn’t real?

    Kallie laughed. You didn’t think I was real.

    It’s a long story, but obviously you do exist. Everything about Kallie was the same as his dreams. Her long, dark chocolate waves, her warm olive skin. She was even wearing the same clothes; black boots, blue jeans, and a fitted white shirt. The only thing missing was the ash and bloodied hands. You said you were using your power to search for me?


    I guess you beat me to it then. A smile found its way to his lips. The dreams they’d shared had been fleeting yet comforting, a confirmation neither of them was alone. Kallie experienced them trapped in a tiny room with him as her only connection to the outside world, and he was positive she felt the same way, yet she didn’t react to his words. Maybe she didn’t remember? We promised to use our energy to—

    Find each other, she finished his sentence. I know. Her eyes darted to Sarah before returning to his. I’m glad I could.

    Ahh, so she hadn’t forgotten their promise. She just didn’t want to talk about it in front of others.

    Your energy exploded into the world yesterday, Kallie told him. It made it easy to find you.

    Yesterday was when Josh fought Arden Flynn in the clearing, when he’d used his power for the first time. You sensed it?

    Kallie nodded. I did. In a very big way. What were you doing?

    Saving our lives, Sarah said.

    Kallie’s lips parted. What?

    We were attacked, Josh told her. And I was forced to use my power.

    Attacked? By who?

    A man named Arden. Josh paused after the word ‘man’, knowing Arden was far from it, but now wasn’t the time to explain the reality of the monster he’d been. He’s dead.

    Did you kill him?

    Kill him? Did she think he was a murderer? No. Another girl with us did.

    Using magick?

    A knife. Memories of Arden grasping for the blade plunged into his back forced their way into Josh’s mind. Arden was the one with power, not the other girl.

    He had power, but she could get close enough to kill him? Kallie’s eyebrows arched.

    I was keeping him occupied. He didn’t see her coming.

    I must thank her then, if she kept you safe for me.

    Kallie’s choice of words reminded him of what his mother had done. How she’d traded her life for his. Did you know my mom before she died?

    His hands clenched while he waited for her answer. Her name was Laura Taylor. He needed to know his mother’s role in all of this.

    Kallie’s head shook. I’m sorry, I didn’t.

    Josh’s shoulders dropped at her answer; his palms stung by the sharp pinch of his nails. Sarah tilted her head at him, but he didn’t want her sympathy. Just like he didn’t want his disappointment to be so obvious. He focused on the ground.

    I knew your aunt, Kallie continued. Melinda Tucker.

    My aunt? His head shot up. What does she have to do with magick?

    That’s the first of many questions I’m sure you have. I can only tell you what I learned from Melinda. I didn’t know your mom was also gifted.

    It doesn’t seem like anyone did. Maybe he wouldn’t get all the answers he wanted after all.

    Uh, guys? Sarah tapped Josh’s shoulder. "Maybe we should have this discussion somewhere less public?"

    He followed her pointing thumb to the far end of the alleyway where a movie session had let out from The Playhouse’s twin theater. They were standing in the middle of the path from it to the parking lot.

    I’m happy to answer what I can, Kallie offered, stepping back to the side door and picking up a backpack. Anywhere you want.

    Anywhere, huh? Where exactly did people go to discuss the secrets that had ruined their life?

    Turns out it was home. Well, at least the modest two-story Josh shared with Sarah and her mom, Grace—his guardian.

    She was at work, running the Blackbirch Bookstore, so they had the house to themselves. It was a good thing. Grace would ask a million questions about Kallie and he had too many of his own.

    Max will never talk to me again, Sarah mumbled from the armchair after they’d settled in the living room, her scowling mouth lit by the glow of her phone screen. It was her first sentence in the last ten minutes not littered with her fun new habit of dropping f-bombs. She must be calming down.

    She left her boyfriend at The Playhouse? Kallie quietly asked Josh.

    He felt her weight shift next to him on the couch and admired her profile in the light of the lamp on the corner table. She was beautiful. And definitely real.

    No, her friend. But it’s okay, Max won’t stay angry at her.

    He’s not answering my calls or texts! Sarah jiggled her phone.

    So, he doesn’t know about the magick, but she does? Kallie asked.

    Josh glanced at Sarah. Her scowl had melted, but her attention remained glued to the screen, studying it like she expected her stare to conjure a text. Yeah, she knows.

    And she’s okay with it?

    More or less.

    An impressed expression crept across Kallie’s face, as if the concept that someone could know about their magick and accept it was new to her. There was so much he wanted to ask.

    Ah, Sarah? He waved at her, gesturing for her to put her phone away.

    Right! Question time. Sorry. She placed her cell in her lap.

    What would you like to know first? Kallie smoothed her hands along her jeans.

    A few hours ago, Josh had ruled out finding anyone to answer his questions. Now that he had the opportunity, where did he begin? He knotted his clammy fingers together, trying to put his jumbled thoughts into something understandable. He should start simple. Work his way into the crazy.

    How about you tell us how you became gifted. He used the description she’d given his aunt and mom.

    Kallie straightened, rocking the cushions of the couch. A few months ago, a fire destroyed the house I lived in and it killed my mom.

    The breath left his body. She’d lost her family too?

    It wasn’t a typical fire. It chased me out of the house and cornered me, the smoke killing me as well.

    Kallie’s words were delivered with a steady voice; her story repeated like it hadn’t happened to her. It was a form of denial Josh knew well and one that almost made him miss the significance of her statement.

    "I’m sorry, did you just say the fire killed you?"

    Kallie nodded.

    What? Sarah looked up from her cell screen.

    The fire was started by power, Kallie explained. "Although I didn’t know that at the time.

    Josh knew all about magical fire. He’d seen it in the clearing, spewing from the hands of someone he once thought he could trust. Had the scarred monster gone after Kallie too? Arden could shape his energy into flames. He used his fire as his weapon during the car accident that killed my parents.

    I’m sorry to hear about your family. Kallie’s tone softened. Fire was the gift of the man who attacked you?

    Yes. We can both take comfort in the fact that he’s dead.

    Kallie reached out and patted his hand, giving it a squeeze before she let go. Arden wasn’t the one who set fire to my house. A man named Cade did.

    Wait, so there’s another magick-fire-maniac out there? Sarah asked. That’s just great.

    Yes and no. Cade was using power, but it’s not a part of him like us and this Arden person.

    Josh scowled. What do you mean?

    The magick you and I have, when it’s in a human, is incredibly powerful and manifests itself into gifts unique to the person who possesses it. The power Cade has is limited. He found it trapped in a crystal and can only wield it from that crystal and others he adds to a specially made wooden staff.

    So he’s not gifted? Sarah asked.

    No. His magick isn’t as strong, but it still causes damage.

    Like the fire that killed you and your mother? Josh couldn’t have imagined anything worse than the car accident he’d been through, but this...

    Cade has used his source of power to kill others too. All to gain more. Certain spells and rituals can increase his magick. He was performing one of those spells with the fire. Your aunt saw him and put a stop to it. When he witnessed her bringing me back, he knew she had magick, and it cost Melinda her life.

    Wait a minute, my aunt died in a home invasion, Josh said. It was a robbery gone wrong. That’s what the police told him and Grace when they’d tried to find his next of kin.

    Cade killed her. The robbery was what the police thought happened.

    Josh’s parents murder had been an assumed accident too, believed even by him until he remembered the truth. You said Melinda brought you back to life. Did she use the Beginning to save you? Almost everything else in their origin stories had lined up.

    No, she used an amulet. Kallie’s eyes swept his features. The Beginning is a difficult spell. It takes an enormous amount of power to invoke. I’ve never heard of anyone successfully casting it.

    Josh exchanged a knowing look with Sarah. It was the spell my mom cast to save my life.

    Kallie gasped, her palm cupping his cheek again. It was still as warm as it’d been in the alley and tingled with the crackling of her energy. What is she doing?

    A rush of images invaded Josh’s mind, blinding his vision. He blinked back the glare of the streetlight and the sparks thrown around him as the metal box of a car he was trapped in slid across the black asphalt. He jolted against the couch, the soft material replaced with leather seats, sticky with blood and soaked in rainwater as his mom’s hand pressed into his ripped flesh and her magick lit the surrounding air. No. No. No!

    He violently summoned his energy to his fingertips, allowing the red power to destroy the memories tearing at the hole in his soul. His hands pulsed with heat as he grasped Kallie’s wrist and pushed her away.

    The strength of his magick rocked her, and he experienced it just as physically, wiping at his forehead and mopping up beads of sweat while Kallie’s pink lips quivered.

    Sarah, who’d jumped to her feet in the commotion, hovered to his left. He signaled that he was okay and concentrated on her lowering back into the armchair.

    What did you just do to me? He turned to Kallie.

    I needed to see if it was true.

    You looked inside my mind? His fingertips trembled against his forehead. Why would she do that? How could she do that?

    She swallowed thickly. It’s called glimpsing. It’s a spell I use in combination with my natural ability.

    What ability?

    Before I learned about witchcraft from Melinda, I could see… things… visions of the future.

    Her voice lowered as she spoke the last few words, her hands tangling as she weaved her shaking fingers together. Did she think he wouldn’t believe her? He glanced at Sarah. They’d both seen enough strangeness to consider anything. If Kallie said she could see the future and inside people’s heads, he trusted that she could. He just wished she hadn’t looked into his.

    What you saw was private.

    Kallie hands parted. I’m sorry. I… didn’t think. I won’t do that to you again.

    Her promise was genuine, but it didn’t erase what she’d done. Silence settled between them and he wondered what he was supposed to ask her now. Could he get an answer without being forced to relive the most horrible thing that had ever happened to him?

    So, um, Sarah spoke, rearranging herself to face Kallie. If you can see the future, didn’t you know your own death was coming? To me that seems like one benefit of such a… talent.

    Kallie briefly scowled, before shifting her features into a more relaxed expression.

    I don’t control what I see, she explained. I also didn’t believe what I’d been seeing was real.

    Okay. Sarah glanced at Josh, gesturing for him to ask another question.

    He stilled the shake in his hands. Answers were important right now, and he needed to concentrate on something other than the memories Kallie’s glimpse had stirred up. You said Melinda used an amulet to bring you back. Can you explain more about that?

    Kallie nodded; her smile no longer forced. The amulet has two sources of magick in it. One that brings death and another that brings life. Melinda used the life power to revive me.

    Is that how you got your magick? I didn’t become gifted until my mom brought me back.

    So I saw. Kallie shook her head. Sorry. She returned her attention to the floorboards. To answer your question, I became gifted the night Melinda died. Instead of letting Cade steal her power, she passed it to me.

    Josh grimaced. His aunt gave Kallie her power? Did his mom do the same? She can’t have. Not after the lengths she’d gone to to hide it from him.

    Did my answer confuse you? Kallie asked, her eyes darting to his face and studying it.

    No. He sighed, annoyed his expression had betrayed his thoughts again. I’m just trying to get my head around how it works. You said Melinda purposely gave you her power, but I don’t think my mom did that. She cast a spell erasing my memory, which suppressed my energy. She didn’t want me to know about the existence of magick.

    If that’s true then you receiving her power was probably a side effect of the Beginning. She gave every part of herself to you by casting that spell. It makes sense her magick went to you too.

    What happened to the amulet? Sarah asked. Life and death power doesn’t sound like something you’d want falling into the wrong hands.

    It has a spell on it. One that moves it around to avoid exactly that. I’ve been trying to track it and believe there’s a strong chance it’s here in Blackbirch, where Melinda grew up.

    Is that something Josh should have known? He examined the green-tinged veins on the back of his hands; the energy inside them silent. My aunt sent the amulet here?

    The spell was cast by someone with the future knowledge to know where the amulet is needed next. Melinda didn’t have that.

    So a person like you sent it?

    Kallie laughed. Was his question funny?

    I don’t have enough power to pull off such a spell.

    What about Cade? Sarah asked, her forehead wrinkling. Will he be coming to Blackbirch?

    He can’t sense energy. He has no way to find Josh or the amulet. Cade is persistent, though. He held onto me after killing Melinda, and now I’ve escaped, he’ll be looking for me.

    Then how can you say for sure he’s not in town already? Sarah’s voice pitched up a notch.

    I would know if he was here, Kallie assured her.

    A jingle of bells sounded from Sarah’s lap and she sprung out of her chair, pacing out of the room with her phone pressed to her ear. Max, I’m so, so sorry.

    Josh followed her with his eyes until she disappeared into the kitchen. Kallie was already looking at him when his attention returned to the couch. She really was there. Sitting next to him.

    This is a lot to take in, especially so much at once. She stretched her hand out gingerly, giving his knee a gentle tap. Even through his jeans, her touch made his skin tingle.

    It is a little overwhelming, he admitted.

    I’m happy to tell you everything, Kallie offered again. But maybe tomorrow would be better? When you’ve had time to deal with what I’ve said so far.

    Sounds good. He nodded. I have just one more question tonight.

    Anything. Kallie patted his knee again.

    My aunt. What was she like?

    A twinkle sparked in Kallie’s eyes. Josh wasn’t sure if it was at the memory of his aunt or his question, but it stayed as she answered.

    Melinda was a witch.


    Kallie’s key slid into the door and clicked, letting her into the sparse motel room. Once inside, the chill gathered from the night air evaporated from her bones and she drifted wearily toward the bed.

    Settling on the end, Kallie put ripples in the thick quilt lining as she spread her hands to smooth it. With little money, the best she could afford housed a headboard with a mattress and a cream-colored chair in the far corner. There was no TV, and the bathtub was spider-webbed with so many cracks it’d be a surprise if it held water, but at least it was some place warm.

    She mustered the last of her strength to slip off her boots and crawled onto the bed. Just one night, please. No dreams. She didn’t know why she asked. It changed nothing. Her sleep would always be tainted with memories of the past. The images were ever present, crafted into nightmares designed to never let Kallie forget her mistakes, or that night six months ago in Landport that started it all...

    Kallie stared so hard at the flame the orange glow lost its pointed shape, turning into a formless blur against the wax melting into the wooden porch.

    You’ll burn the house down.

    Her mother’s voice floated from behind, breaking Kallie’s concentration.

    Sorry. She turned, eyeing the youthful woman the scolding words contrasted with.

    Even on a bad day, thirty-two-year-old Julia Jacobs didn’t look older than twenty. Her tiny frame and five-foot-two height helped; traits she shared with Kallie, but that was where their physical similarities ended.

    Kallie’s locks were more chocolate than auburn, her skin a deeper olive, and her brown eyes absent of the green flecks coloring her mother’s irises. She assumed her differences were the features she’d inherited from her father, but it was hard to know when she’d never seen a picture. Her mom raised her alone, and from an age young enough most out-of-towners mistook them for sisters; a mistake Julia never corrected.

    I didn’t know the candle had melted so much, Kallie apologized, attempting to scrape away

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