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Bound by Desire
Bound by Desire
Bound by Desire
Ebook27 pages18 minutes

Bound by Desire

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A Spin-off of Designs of Desire
Desires Entwined: Book 1.75

Despite his past abuse, James has come to terms with his relationship with his Dom and lover Seth. Seth treats James with all the trust and love his sub desires. There is only one thing left to do to make it all complete: Seth needs to put a collar on James.

Release dateMay 30, 2014
Bound by Desire
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Tempeste O'Riley

Tempeste O’Riley is an out-and-proud pansexual genderfluid person whose best friend growing up had the courage to do what they couldn’t—defy the hate and come out. He has been their hero ever since. Tempe is a hopeless romantic who loves strong relationships and happily-ever-afters. Though they love writing M/M—they have done many things in their life—writing has always drawn them back (no matter what else life has thrown their way). They count their friends, family, and Muse as their greatest blessings in life. They currently live in Wisconsin with their children, reading, writing, and enjoying life. Tempe is also a proud PAN member of Romance Writers of America®, WisRWA, Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal Romance Writers RWA, the Paranormal Romance Guild, and Rainbow Romance Writers. Tempe’s preferred pronouns are they/them/their/theirs/themselves. To learn more about Tempeste and their writing, visit tempesteoriley.com. You can also visit them on Facebook, Twitter, or join Tempeste’s Temptations Facebook group for all kinds previews, news, fun, and more.

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    Book preview

    Bound by Desire - Tempeste O'Riley


    chapter one

    SETH STOOD beside the car as James sneered at the wheelchair in front of him. He understood why Seth insisted on the chair, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. No, the fact he would be tired from the long trip didn’t help his disposition in the least, nor did the long walk from area to area in the airport.

    James, it will not bite, and I don’t want you overtaxed when we arrive at our destination. Now. Seth’s voice took on the commanding tone James loved, though he still had trouble admitting that outside his head.

    Grumbling, he levered himself from the car and into the chair. James settled his crutches across his lap and watched as Seth collected their luggage. One of Seth’s newer assistants, Tyrell, stepped behind James, unlocked the wheels, and followed beside Seth as they moved inside. Once they were through the ticket area and had dropped off their luggage, Tyrell bid them a pleasant trip and walked toward the front as Seth stepped behind James and began pushing.

    "I can walk, Seth."

    I am well aware of that, pet, but we’ve had this discussion, and I will not put up with you continuing to fight me.

    James fidgeted in the chair a moment but then settled and kept quiet. He didn’t want to fight with Seth; he just hated the reminder of his limitations. Sorry, love.

    Thank you, baby. Now, Seth breathed against his

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