Unlimited loans, One at a time

A slow-burn romance novella about saying yes to dreams you didn't know you had.

Karen Scott never expected to see Zach again after turfing him out of her yoga class. She sympathized, kind of - she knew all about giving up on a dream - but she couldn't let him bring that kind of stress into her room. When he said he was a dancer, and it wasn't working out, she gave him the Underground Cabaret flyer in her gear bag and thought that was it.

Three years later, Zach Tyler saw Karen at one of the Underground Cabaret's shows. He told her he'd changed his approach, and it was working; he was still dancing. Then she said she'd taken her own advice, and gone back to class. And then all he wanted to do was dance with her. But first he had to show her he'd changed. So he decided to practice what he preached, and dance while he could. He found a partner, worked up a routine, and was accepted for one of the Cabaret productions. Then he went back to Karen and said, I want to dance with you.

Asking for what he wanted was huge. The fact that she said yes was mind-blowing. Karen could tell this was big for Zach. He had no idea how big it was for her. Then they started putting together their first routine, and it was like stepping into something they'd done before. Both of them knew this kind of connection was special. Neither of them knew how far they might be able to take it.

Publication date
September 17, 2023
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