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The Vixen in Red: Bluestockings Defying Rogues, #8
The Vixen in Red: Bluestockings Defying Rogues, #8
The Vixen in Red: Bluestockings Defying Rogues, #8
Ebook132 pages1 hour

The Vixen in Red: Bluestockings Defying Rogues, #8

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Collin Evans, the Earl of Frossly is forced to return to his ancestral estate after years of avoiding the responsibility. His estate manager quit and it's up to him to ensure his servants and tenants don't suffer from his neglect. He never expected to find a beguiling woman that tempts him beyond reason nearby.

After a scandal erupts, Lady Charlotte Rossington is sent to the country to stay with a spinster aunt. What her father fails to realize is that was her goal all along. She hates London society and wants to write a novel and the season would prevent that endeavor.

While there she crosses paths with the Earl of Frossly. He's handsome as sin and one of the wickedest rogues she's ever encountered. She's drawn to him and ends up in his arms more often than at her writing desk. Giving up on her dream is the last thing she wants, but she might have to choose between it and the one man she can't live without.

Release dateSep 18, 2020
The Vixen in Red: Bluestockings Defying Rogues, #8
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Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance.There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website: authordawnbrower.com

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    Book preview

    The Vixen in Red - Dawn Brower

    The Vixen in Red

    Collin Evans, the Earl of Frossly is forced to return to his ancestral estate after years of avoiding the responsibility. His estate manager quit and it’s up to him to ensure his servants and tenants don’t suffer from his neglect. He never expected to find a beguiling woman that tempts him beyond reason nearby.

    After a scandal erupts, Lady Charlotte Rossington is sent to the country to stay with a spinster aunt. What her father fails to realize is that was her goal all along. She hates London society and wants to write a novel and the season would prevent that endeavor.

    While there she crosses paths with the Earl of Frossly. He’s handsome as sin and one of the wickedest rogues she’s ever encountered. She’s drawn to him and ends up in his arms more often than at her writing desk. Giving up on her dream is the last thing she wants, but she might have to choose between it and the one man she can’t live without.

    The Vixen in Red

    Bluestockings Defying Rogues Book Eight

    Dawn Brower


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9



    About The Author

    Also by Dawn Brower


    Excerpt: Lady Pear’s Duke

    Dawn Brower

    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: Shocked by My Vixen

    Dawn Brower


    Excerpt: Smitten with My Christmas Minx

    Dawn Brower


    Chapter 1

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    The Vixen in Red 2020 Copyright © Dawn Brower

    Cover Artist and Edits Victoria Miller

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    For my family. I love you all.

    Chapter 1

    The sun shined brightly in the sky and the wind blew lightly across Lady Charlotte Rossington’s face. The garden at her father’s, the Marquess of Seabrook’s, London house had started to bloom. They were mere buds, but they showed promise of becoming true beauties when they reached their peak. She reached down and brushed her fingers over the tiny flowers and smiled.

    Are you certain this plan of yours is wise? Her closest friend, Lady Pearyn Treedale, asked. Her dark locks were pinned back into an intricate chignon, but a few tendrils had escaped in the breeze. Her blue eyes were the same shade as the sky. She was a true beauty, and one day would be a duchess, if her fiancé ever deigned to return to England. Pear didn’t seem to mind his absence, at least she proclaimed such often enough to Charlotte... She’d enjoyed being out in society without having to bother with finding a suitor. In some ways, Charlotte envied her. She very much did not want to partake in any society events.

    It’s the only way I can make my mother understand my wishes. Her only desire is to see me married and having babies. Charlotte wrinkled her nose in distaste. I have more wants and desires than can be found in wedding vows and years of marriage. She may have found happiness with my father, but I would prefer to have much more than love to sustain my future. Maybe one day she wouldn’t mind finding a man to give her heart to, but not for a long while. Charlotte wanted time to be alone, explore who she was deep inside, and write. She had so many ideas, and she wanted to have time to put the stories inside her head down. Sharing them with the world was her greatest dream. She would not be able to do any of that if her mother forced her to participate in the Season.

    Pear took a deep breath. I understand, I do, but I cannot help wishing there was a better way. She twisted her mouth into a frown. It was not a pretty look on such a lovely face. The scandal…

    Is the reason I’m doing it at all, she reminded her friend. My mother won’t have any choice. She’ll have to let me return to Seabrook. There, I can weather the scandal, and I’ll be left in peace to write my first novel. It will work, I know it will. Her mother, Rosanna, the Marchioness of Seabrook, would be livid.

    I still do not like it. With you at Seabrook, I’ll be left alone in London all Season. I’ll miss you. Pear sighed. And with you in seclusion, your mother will not have a house party as she usually does. The one at Weston Manor will also be off limits for you. This seems extreme. She placed one hand on her hip and tilted her head to the side. Is writing your book worth being without any social interactions for months?

    She nodded her head vigorously. Yes, yes, and yes, Charlotte said. The very thought of being alone to write…it filled her heart with happiness. It won’t be so terrible. We can still write each other, and I’ll have my family. Well, Mother and Father. I’m not certain what Rhys will decide to do. He might spend time in London with his wife.

    Before her brother Rhys, the Earl of Carrick, had married Lady Hyacinth, Charlotte had been thrilled at the idea of attending balls, soirées, musicals—anything that involved society. Her young heart had seen it as an opportunity, and in some ways, it had been. The first year had been wondrous. Until she thought she’d fallen in love and the rogue broke her heart. Since then, she’d given up on finding someone. It hurt too much when the gentleman of her dreams had crushed her fragile heart. She’d much rather take control of her life, and this scandal was the first step.

    Pear tapped her fingers on the bench she sat on as Charlotte paced the garden path near it. I suppose you wish for me to accompany you on this endeavor of yours.

    I would like it if you would, she stopped pacing, met Pear’s gaze, and said. It gives my statement credence. The ton would notice Charlotte either way, but with Pear, they would also gain the attention of any gentleman that happened to be nearby. Considering her affianced state, it drew them all to her side. They thought they might coax her in breaking her engagement. What they didn’t understand was that she liked being engaged; however, Pear had no desire to actually be married. She didn’t want love any more than Charlotte did.

    Very well, she agreed. I’ll be glad to assist you in ruining yourself. She sighed heavily. It is all quite dramatic. I hope the end result is what you hope for. I would hate for this elaborate scheme to be for naught.

    So you have mentioned several times. Charlotte grinned. You truly are the greatest friend a lady could have. Then she clapped her hands with excitement. I cannot wait.

    I can, Pear said dryly. Once this is done, I’ll not likely see you until Christmastide.

    Don’t be sour, Charlotte chastised her. It is unbecoming.

    "Now you sound like your mother, Pear said distastefully. I don’t think you’re as unalike as you claim."

    They might have some similarities, but there were not many. We don’t even look much alike. My coloring is more like my father’s. Her hair had the same golden hue as her father’s, but her eyes were a blue shade somewhere in-between her mother’s and father’s. Even her brother favored their father in looks. Mother has complained about that often enough. She once said that if she hadn’t given birth to us she wouldn’t have believed us to be her children. It was very crass of her to say aloud. She giggled. Though to be fair, we were being minxes at the time.

    I do not doubt that, Pear told her. You can be quite the hellion from time to time. She narrowed her gaze. After this, they’ll consider you more of a vixen. Are you prepared for all the negative gossip?

    She had thought long and hard about it. Charlotte wouldn’t enjoy what some in society would openly say about her. Some of it might even…sting. It won’t be anything resembling enjoyment, but I do believe I can withstand even the harshest of criticisms. Most of which would come from her own mother’s sharp tongue. Once I’m back at Seabrook, I won’t be privy to it any longer. So I can pretend they aren’t saying anything at all. I’ll be peacefully writing and forgetting the scandal. I will be all right. She smiled at Pear.

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