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12 Keys to Happiness
12 Keys to Happiness
12 Keys to Happiness
Ebook35 pages12 minutes

12 Keys to Happiness

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About this ebook

Core belief: Each one of us is seeking happiness. We are governed by our thoughts. Our thoughts shape our world.  

Target Audience: For those of us who have convictions in their own thoughts and act as per their convictions can transform themselves by changing their thoughts by changing their values and beliefs. The idea of sharing these curated quotes is to provide an easy reference to help individuals reflect on the thought and internalize these qualities and thereby updating their personal rule book or value system. As such these are potential keys to Happiness. Sometimes one word or phrase is enough to bring about change, but the idea of sharing a variety of quotes on a single quality is that to imbibe change is sometimes hard and hence you can choose the one that resonates best with you. If you are not satisfied with the ready list of quotes, you can reflect on the key quality that is indicated. 

It's a small book of 12 Keys with 12 curated quotes for each key. These thoughts have huge potential for self-growth.

Release dateFeb 28, 2019
12 Keys to Happiness
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Rakesh Kumar Gupta

Rakesh Kumar Gupta is an electronics engineer with passion for Information Technology and self-development. He started his professional career in 1988 in the manufacturing sector. He later moved to Internet services in 1997. He is a PMP(R) , Certified Project Manager and a certified NLP master practitioner. Besides writing, he also conducts workshops on varied topics including NLP, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and more

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    12 Keys to Happiness - Rakesh Kumar Gupta


    Core belief:

    Each one of us is seeking happiness. We are governed by our thoughts. Our thoughts shape our world.

    Target Audience:

    For those of us who have convictions in their own thoughts and act as per their convictions can transform themselves by changing their thoughts by changing their values and beliefs. The idea of sharing these curated quotes is to provide an easy reference to help individuals reflect on the thought and internalize these qualities and thereby updating their personal rule book or value system. As such these are potential keys to Happiness. Sometimes one word or phrase is enough to bring about change, but the idea of sharing a variety of quotes on a single quality is that to imbibe change is sometimes hard and hence you can choose the one that resonates best with you. If you are not satisfied with the ready list of quotes, you can reflect on the key quality that is indicated.


    We are thankful to Mr. Kewal Prakash Gupta

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