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Find Me Love: Scandal Meets Love, #2
Find Me Love: Scandal Meets Love, #2
Find Me Love: Scandal Meets Love, #2
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Find Me Love: Scandal Meets Love, #2

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As a young girl Diana decided she liked fencing more than being a proper lady, but sometimes embracing the rules of society is a necessary evil. Fortuna's Parlor gives her the opportunity to utilize her love of fencing, and ton balls are the perfect place to hold the clandestine matches.

Roguish behavior, gambling, and expensive brandy are Luther Wright, Earl of Northesk's favorite vices. They each play a part in burying the demons that haunt him. One night everything changes and he is forced to question every decision he's made.

After a chance encounter at one of Diana's fencing matches Luther decides to court her. Her strong will and his need to protect her clash—only time will tell if they are able to find a way past their differences, and in turn, an enduring love.

Release dateJul 17, 2018
Find Me Love: Scandal Meets Love, #2
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Dawn Brower

USA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance.There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres.For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website:

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    Book preview

    Find Me Love - Dawn Brower





    Dawn Brower



    Author’s Note



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Excerpt: If It’s Love

    Amanda Mariel

    Chapter 1

    Excerpt: A Gypsy’s Christmas Kiss

    Dawn Brower


    Chapter 1


    About The Author

    Also by Dawn Brower

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Find Me Love Copyright © 2018 Dawn Brower

    Cover art by Victoria Miller

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This book is for everyone that believes in love and hope to one day find it. Sometimes you just have to have faith, and sometimes it has been there all along. Keep believing and someday love may find you.

    Author’s Note

    This is the second book in a series that I am writing with Amanda Mariel. It’s actually surprising we haven’t worked on something together much sooner as we have done so much together already. I hope you all enjoy each book and continue to read as this series develops. Keep reading for an excerpt to Lulia’s story releasing this December: A Gypsy’s Christmas Kiss.


    As always thanks to my cover artist, Victoria Miller. You are fabulous as always. Also thanks to Elizabeth Evans—you make writing fun. Thank you for helping me and reading all my rough drafts.

    Special thanks to Amanda Mariel for working with me. It is nice to work with someone who will always be a part of my life. It’s been fun and I look forward to finishing this new series with you.


    The early summer sun glowed in the afternoon sky. Big white fluffy clouds floated across the blue horizon. All signs pointed to a wonderful day of enjoyment and Lady Diana Thomas hoped the weather held to ensure that. Her father was the Earl of Bristol and along with the Earl of Northesk, hosted a fair in the town between their two estates. For a brief time, there was a worry that the fair wouldn’t happen as scheduled. The Earl of Northesk died suddenly and his son grieved the loss; however, he insisted that the villagers not be disappointed. Lord Bristol had agreed to take on the bulk of the preparations to free the new earl from the task. What that really meant was that Diana had more to deal with. She didn’t mind, though. The fair continued to be something she loved and would always hold dear.

    The annual event could be traced back several generations, and everyone in the surrounding area looked forward to it. Through the years the fair changed with the times. New things were added and improvements were made. This year there would be a different take on a Shakespearean play. Diana couldn’t wait to see how it all unfolded. The gypsies hired to handle some of the games and other entertainments came back every year too. She had come to know many of them by name and considered them friends of a sort. 

    Diana wandered through all the displays, making sure that everything was ready to go. The villagers were already arriving, and soon, the gentry would follow. It was one of the only days that every class mingled and thought nothing of it. They were all part of the community, and it was meant to be a day for amusement. 

    Lady Diana, a male called to her.

    She turned toward the sound and frowned. Luther Wright, the new Earl of Northesk, stood behind her. What was he doing at the fair? Her father had made it clear he didn’t expect the lord to attend. The earls hosted it but they didn’t participate much in the actual activities. They made an appearance and stayed for an hour or so then went back to their respective estates. However, in this one instance, no one thought the Earl of Northesk would come at all.

    My Lord, she said and quickly curtsied. How may I be of assistance?

    He frowned and waved a hand at the fair. I don’t remember it being this—extensive. 

    They had added a few booths and built a temporary stage for some of the shows. She didn’t understand why he appeared so confused by it all. There were perhaps a few extra entertainments added. Nothing that should perplex him… The fair is how I’ve always remembered it. Diana chose to act as if she didn’t understand what he meant. I don’t recall you attending in the past few years. Were you not traveling?

    Last she understood, he’d left Oxford and traveled to Italy for a year. He’d only returned recently. Diana didn’t recall him being so—handsome. His dark locks curled around his ears and neck and shined brightly under the sun’s harsh rays. His green eyes were the color of jade and appeared almost as hard as the stone. 

    He sighed and then rubbed his hands over his face. You’re not incorrect. I did choose to travel. Something I regret now that I’ve lost time I could have had with my father if I had known…

    Drat. He had to go and make her feel bad. I apologize. It was rude of me to remind you of your loss.

    No, he said with a shake of his head. The fault is mine. I shouldn’t have come here.

    Lord Northesk turned and headed in the opposite direction of the fair. Diana sighed and considered what she should do next. The new earl had been her neighbor for as long as she could remember. Her parents had made no secret. They hoped she would catch his notice at some point. They hoped that she would marry him and remain close. It would be quite the coup if that were to occur. Diana had other ideas for her future, though. She wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to marry, and she didn’t show any signs that she’d grow into a great beauty either way. Her blonde hair was drab and her blue eyes were so pale that they didn’t inspire anyone to write poetry about them. This was her sixteenth summer and soon she’d have her come out in London. She had little hope that a gentleman would offer for her. She had a decent dowry and connections, but little else. This lord wouldn’t even be able to properly court her until his mourning period ended—not that it mattered much. Lord Northesk wasn’t for her and never would be. She would probably end up being a wallflower, and then afterward a spinster. A fate she’d accepted already and decided not to fight. She had other qualities to offer society, and she’d make her life using those. Maybe one day she’d be a lady’s companion or have enough funds to travel the world, much as Lord Northesk had. 

    She sighed and ran to catch up to the earl. Don’t go, she called out.

    He stopped and then glanced at her. Why not?

    Did he really need a reason? She blew out a breath. When did it become her responsibility to make everything all right for him? Probably when her father had given her the task of planning the fair… You’re hurting and this is probably the last place you want to be, but I think it could be the one you need. This is meant to be a happy day and if you allow yourself to enjoy it, you might find some joy even if it’s only for a moment or two.

    Happiness isn’t something I deserve.

    Everyone should have a little in their life, my lord—even you. Stay. She smiled at him. Your father was a big part of the fair. If it’s not for you, then stay for him.

    Maybe he would listen to her and try to find something good at the fair. Either way, she did her part and tried to convince him of the wisdom of remaining. In the end, it was up to him what he chose to do. She didn’t dare try to discern the inner workings of the male mind.

    I might return later, he replied. For now, if you’ll excuse me, I must depart.

    So cold, but she couldn’t really blame him for that. In his place, she’d probably react in a similar fashion. Diana couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose one of her parents. Thankfully, both of them were very much alive. I hope that you do, she said. As long as the weather remains so pleasant, the rest of the festivities should go smoothly. Good day, my lord.

    He nodded and then continued to walk away until he reached a horse. Then he slid onto its back and motioned it into a canter. Soon he was a small figure in the distance, and then he disappeared completely. Diana turned away from the road that led toward Northesk Castle and returned to the fair. The booths were surrounded by villagers and laugher floated through the air. A small boy was tossing a ball toward a series of buckets and groaned when he failed to get it inside. She wandered over to the area where the stage had been created for the play enactments. A lot of the villagers had gathered around waiting for the first enactment to take place. They didn’t have to wait long before two men with masks strolled out. 

    The first man shouted out his lines. ‘ I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire. The day is hot, the Capels are abroad, And if we meet, we shall not scape a brawl, For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring.’ They were performing a scene in Romeo and Juliet

    Diana became even more excited. It was a fight scene, and she’d always been interested

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