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Boost Your Mental Health
Boost Your Mental Health
Boost Your Mental Health
Ebook57 pages1 hour

Boost Your Mental Health

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Boost your mental health with four scientifically sound techniques that anyone can do!

What if you could become the custodian of your own mental health?

What if you do this by making small changes in your life that only take less than an hour a day?

What if you could manage your stress and reduce anger and anxiety without medications?

This book has been written to do just that!


In Boost Your Mental Health, you will learn four techniques that will help you get the life that you want. And you already do one of them every day!

Click the Buy button to learn how you can start taking control of your happiness today!


Author bio:

Cliff Hamrick, LCDC, LPC-S, specializes in working with clients suffering from substance abuse, anger issues, depression, and anxiety in his private practice in Austin, Texas. His first career was in science education and loves to bring his knowledge of science and nature into his therapeutic practice. When not helping clients, he likes to spend time outdoors, writing novels, and play video games.

Release dateMay 18, 2020
Boost Your Mental Health

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    Boost Your Mental Health - Cliff Hamrick

    Boost Your Mental Health

    Also by Cliff Hamrick, LCDC, LPC-S


    Tales from the Mushroom


    Saga of the Scout

    Memories in the City

    The Adventures of Jarek the Scholar

    Learn more by visiting:

    Disclaimer: This book is not intended to replace or simulate medical advice of any kind. The contents of this book are intended to be used as an adjunct to a rational and responsible healthcare program prescribed by a healthcare professional. The author is in no way liable for any use or misuse of this material.

    Copyright © 2019 by Cliff Hamrick, LCDC, LPC-S

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    A big thanks to the following people for their input in writing this book:

    Whitney Emens

    Alessa Smyth

    Boost Your Mental Health

    Cliff Hamrick, LCDC, LPC-S

    Fiery Blade Publishing




    Mindfulness Meditation


    Be In Nature


    Thank you!



    The idea for this book came about from my work with my clients. I realized that I was saying many of the same things over and over again. It’s not because of a lack of imagination (though I have been accused of that). It’s just that over the years I’ve noticed that certain ideas and suggestions are more helpful than others. I also prefer ideas that will have the maximum benefit with the least amount of effort and in the shortest amount of time. Of course, there are no ‘magic pills’ and not everything will work for everyone. But I believe I have found some ideas that will help so many people, that I usually recommend almost all of them to almost all of my clients.

    First, a little information about me. I have been a licensed professional counselor in the State of Texas since 2011 and started my private practice soon after. Being a counselor is a second career for me. My first career was in the sciences. I have always loved the outdoors and studying science, so when I went off to college, I studied biology. After a series of odd jobs and a stint in the US Peace Corps in Nepal, I decided to go back to graduate school because I realized that I really wanted to teach biology and wanted to deepen my understanding of biology in order to be a better teacher. So, after getting my masters of science in biology, I was lucky enough to get a teaching job at Baylor University where I taught biology to college freshman for three years. Then I got a job with the Texas Education Agency to help develop a standardized test they were creating at the time. Then I started a string of jobs working with publishers to develop study guides and test prep materials, using my understanding of biology and my knowledge of the science education.

    Though I loved science and science education, I found that I hated my work. I was far from working with people and seeing the work that I do improve their lives. I was also the most depressed I had been in a long time. I had no purpose and the daily grind of waking up, going to a job I didn’t like, going home to play video games until I fell asleep, just to start it all over again was slowly killing me and I could feel it. I saw counselors and they gave me some good insights, but I found that what helped me the most were some of the ideas I present in this book.

    So, at the age of 36, I decided to change careers and go back to school to become a counselor. I was also tired of working for other people and feeling like I was out of control of my life, so I resolved to go into business for myself as quickly as could. I learned therapeutic modalities, such as solution-focused therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which align with my philosophy of helping clients quickly and efficiently.

    The group of clients I work with the

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