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Crimson Moon Hideaway: A Ghostly Affair: Crimson Moon Hideaway
Crimson Moon Hideaway: A Ghostly Affair: Crimson Moon Hideaway
Crimson Moon Hideaway: A Ghostly Affair: Crimson Moon Hideaway
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Crimson Moon Hideaway: A Ghostly Affair: Crimson Moon Hideaway

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He watched his wife walk around Crimson Moon Hideaway trying to find him a new bride. Weird to some, perhaps, but it was all right. You see, his wife is dead.


Now a widower, Geoff Johns booked a weekend at Crimson Moon Hideaway to escape all the sad faces cast his way, as well as the uncomfortable conversations asking how he was holding up. His wife was dead. How did they think he was holding up? Of course, that doesn't stop her from popping up in the hopes of finding him his next bride. And on top of that, it's the full moon, which meant tonight, his werewolf would try to end his vegetarian diet.


Corine Faraday left her therapist's office wishing she had listened to her gut and not the opinions of her colleagues. Now, a little boy was dead, and she felt like a failure. She was through helping people, even herself. And then she notices a strange man talking to himself by the pool.


Can two souls who have lost so much find happiness at Crimson Moon? Perhaps a better question is can Erika Johns let go long enough for the others to find each other? One-Click A Ghostly Affair and find out!

Release dateAug 5, 2021
Crimson Moon Hideaway: A Ghostly Affair: Crimson Moon Hideaway
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    Book preview

    Crimson Moon Hideaway - Robbie Cox

    Crimson Moon Hideaway

    A Ghostly Affair

    By Robbie Cox

    Crimson Moon Hideaway: A Ghostly Affair

    By Robbie Cox

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2021 by Robbie Cox

    All rights reserved

    Cover art by Beautiful Mess Graphics

    Editing by CTS Editing

    Formatting by CJC Formatting

    This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are strictly products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be reproduced in any form, except in assisting in a review. This book may not be resold. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    For up-to-date news on Robbie’s latest releases, book signing events in your area, and giveaways, follow Robbie’s newsletter - CLICK HERE!

    To Teri, who’s fighting a battle of her own

    Chapter One

    Crimson Moon Ch Image Transparent

    GEOFF JOHNS JUST stared at the brownie as the tiny creature hopped up and down on the front desk, screaming something about the lack of cleanliness in his room. I refuse to leave chocolates out, the brownie screamed. How can you expect me to leave your cleaning people chocolates when they don’t even do their jobs. I won’t do it, I tell ya! I won’t.

    The dwarf behind the counter just sighed as he stared at the leathery brownie. Mr. Basgi, as I have told you repeatedly, we do not require you to leave chocolates for our cleaning staff.

    You don’t? the brownie asked, cocking his head as he stared at the dwarf, obviously not believing what he was being told. It’s not even a suggestion?

    The dwarf shook his head. No, sir. It’s not even a suggestion. You don’t even have to tip them. As a matter of fact, I’m quite sure they would prefer it if you avoided them altogether.

    How do you pay them if not in chocolates? the brownie asked, cocking his head as he stared at the dwarf, completely missing the insult. Geoff could tell the creature thought the other man lied to him, but just couldn’t figure out why.

    They are paid in cash, the dwarf said, clasping his hands together and resting them on the counter in front of him. That is how it’s done, you know. Paychecks for a proper week’s work. Do you not get paid for the work you do…, he paused, raking Basgi with a disgusted glare, and Geoff almost laughed, in whatever field you work? I mean, you do work, right?

    Pah! Basgi turned and hopped down off the counter, reaching out and grabbing the hand of the female brownie waiting for him on the ground. The woman looked mortified at the other brownie’s behavior. Come on, Leabi. Let's get out of here. We need to visit the candy store.

    Geoff watched them walk away, the male brownie practically dragging the female behind him as he fussed the entire time. That damn Sandman has been ripping us off. Do you know how many chocolates I could buy if I received a paycheck? He paused, turning to the other brownie, and staring at her with narrowed eyes. Do you know what a paycheck is?

    Geoff shook his head as he stepped up to the check-in desk, chuckling. That was interesting, he said as he slid his license across the counter.

    Brownies, the dwarf said, shuddering as he reached for Geoff’s identification, which only made Geoff laugh harder. Welcome to Crimson Moon Hideaway, Mr., He glanced down at the license, his bushy brows pushed together. Johns. He handed the ID back to Geoff and then turned to his computer, punching things into the keyboard. Ah yes, you’re in room 413. One guest. What card would you like to register with your room for incidentals? He glanced back up at Geoff, waiting patiently.

    The rest of the check-in went by quietly, Geoff deciding he didn’t want to banter with the dwarf anymore, and soon, Geoff headed toward the elevators and his room. He wasn’t there for conversation. He just needed to get away and find a peaceful place to grieve. Everything back home reminded him of Erika, and he simply couldn’t take it another day. When one of his friends back home, Maxwell Bourland, mentioned his time at Crimson Moon Hideaway, Geoff decided to take a chance and escape the memories that plagued him back home. Needing a change of scenery and with the full moon due soon, he made a reservation and packed his bags.

    How did that work out for you? Erika appeared in front of him, making Geoff jump slightly. He closed his eyes, his muscles taut with the sudden surprise of his wife standing before him, and took a deep breath.

    He glanced over at her, but she simply waggled her brows at him. He cast a furtive glance around, but no one seemed to pay him any attention as he stood there, trembling with the sudden fright Ericka gave him. Turning back to her, he asked, Why are you here? I told you, you need to cross over and start your next journey.

    And leave you all alone? She shook her head, pressing her lips into a thin line. No, when I heard you talking to Max, I just knew this would be the best place to find you a wife, and that’s what I intend to do. She placed her hands on her hips as she examined the lobby and the others in it. Seems to be quite a few to choose from, too. This place is hopping with sexy women. Of course, none of them are as sexy as me, but you’ve had perfection once, so don’t be greedy.

    He closed his eyes and sighed. I am not looking for another wife, he told her. You’re the only one I want in my life.

    Excuse me? another voice growled, causing Geoff to open his eyes as he spun to face a couple who had just stepped up beside him as he waited for the elevator.

    A thick-bodied man snarled at him as a short, confused-looking blonde simply stared at Geoff. The man stabbed Geoff in the chest with a thick finger, pushing him back slightly. She’s mine, you shit. Go find your own wife. He then turned to the petite woman with him. What have you been doing behind my back?

    She shook her head. I’ve never seen him before, sugar bear. Promise. I don’t know who he is.

    The man snatched her hand and started dragging her away, glaring at Geoff over his shoulder as they stormed off.

    Well, that went well, Erika said, smirking. She’s out of the running, though. We can’t have you falling for someone who’s already attached, now can we? She crossed her arms over her chest as she continued to scan the lobby. Still, there’s plenty of fish in this sea. I’ll find you someone. Trust me.

    Geoff rolled his eyes as he tightened his grip on his luggage and faced the elevator once more. I don’t want you to find me anyone, he repeated. I just want to be left alone.

    Not going to happen, she said as she stepped up beside him, clasping her hands in front of her. I’ve seen you cook. You’ll starve without another woman in your life. Besides, who will starch your shirts or make sure you get to your appointments on time. You’re kind of absentminded, remember? I need to make sure I’m leaving you in good hands.

    Geoff blew out a breath as he leaned forward and punched the UP button to whisk him away from this conversation. I don’t want to be in anyone’s hands. He shook his head as the elevator doors opened up. I only want to feel your hands on me.

    The woman standing in the elevator stared at him, her brows twisted in confusion. Excuse me? I don’t even know you. She shoved her way past him, one hand to his shoulder as she pushed her way out of the elevator. Pervert.

    Geoff sighed once more, something he was beginning to do a lot, he noticed, and stepped into the elevator. You’re going to get me kicked out, he said as he turned and pushed the button for his floor.

    Me? How am I going to get you kicked out? She stepped into the elevator with him and leaned back on the metal wall. They can’t even see or hear me. You’re going to get yourself kicked out by talking to a ghost. People will think you’re crazy, and that’s something we don’t need while we’re trying to find you a wife. Let her find out you’re crazy on your own.

    Geoff waited until the elevator doors closed before shouting, I don’t want another wife. He growled, sucking a breath in through clenched teeth. Please, Erika, leave the matter alone. I had the love of a lifetime. He turned and faced her. "There will never be another you. There could never be another you. I’m satisfied with that. Why do you want to see me married again? Doesn’t that feel like a betrayal to you?"

    Oh, sweetie, I’m dead, she reminded him as if he forgot. We can’t be together anymore. Now, if I was alive and you sought out another woman, that would piss me off. However, this is me taking care of you one final time. I can’t pass on until I know you’re all right.

    I’m not all right, he said as the elevator doors opened. He stood there, waiting to see if someone else had overheard him and misinterpreted what he said. Luckily, the hall was empty. Stepping out, he continued, keeping a diligent eye out for other guests. I lost my wife. How can I be all right? I need time to get over the pain of not having you in my life anymore. I’m not hopping from one wife to the next just because you think it’s what I need to do.

    Using his keycard, he opened the door to his room and stepped inside. Out of habit, he turned and held the door open for Erika, but she wasn’t there.

    He stared at the empty hall, wondering when she had vanished on him and how much of what he said she had ignored. Sighing again, he permitted the door to shut on its own as he moved further into his room. He dropped his luggage at the foot of the bed as he turned and fell back on the mattress, clasping his hands together over his stomach and closing his eyes. If Erika refused to move on, he would never be able to get past her death. But then again, was that such a bad thing? He might not be able to have her in a physical way, but as it appeared, he could still talk to her, share things with her. She would always be in his life as she was. Sure she was a

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